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Last active May 31, 2016 15:37
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  • Save Williammer/350cd3051e45def51bcf155aca7ba254 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Williammer/350cd3051e45def51bcf155aca7ba254 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<h1 class="index_title">
About Me
<p class="selfy">
Hi there, my name is William He or Weinan He in Chinese. I'm currently living in Hong Kong and working at <a target="_blank" href="">Accedo</a> as the Software Developer.
<br/> My current job is to develop cool Web TV applications, which is one type of web application, with the amazing javaScript. I love to explore and learn more about the web technology world and develop some useful applications in my spare time!
<br/> Apart from web technology, I have great passion for sports and all types of music. My favorite NBA player is Stephen Curry, who has inspired me to learn the Curry pattern of the Functional programming. ; )
<br/><br/> To know more about me, you can check out my <a href="" target="tab">Github</a> or <a href="" target="tab">Linkedin</a>.
<br/><br/> Cheers!!
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