- 3 Tbsp. butter
- 3 C. thinly sliced leeks
- 3 cloves of garlic, minced
- 2 Tbsp. flour
- 2 C. potatoes, peeled and diced (I use those small red ones and leave the skin on a couple)
- 1 C. white beans
- 4 C. vegetable stock (one of those boxes; you know the ones)
- 1/2 C. light cream
- Pinch of white pepper
- 1/2 tsp. finely chopped chives
- 1/4 C. plain Greek yogurt
- 1/2 tsp. finely chopped parsley
Put on Nas. Heat the butter in a large stockpot; chuck the leeks in there and dial the heat up to medium. Cook, stirring, until they start turning translucent at the edges. In the meantime, put the stock into a second saucepot and heat it up to almost-boiling—no higher than the point where you start getting wisps of steam and a small ring of bubbles around the edge of the pot.
Add the garlic to the leeks and wait two minutes. Add the flour, mix, and leave it for another minute. Mix in the hot stock (a little bit at a time, at first), then add the potatoes and beans. Crank the heat up to high, bring it all to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium. Let it simmer for maybe ten minutes, stirring every so often—check the potatoes for done by fishing one out with your mixing spoon and jabbing a toothpick through it. Once they’re good to go, get it as smooth as you can with an immersion blender. Add chives, parsley, and white pepper. Whisk in the cream and yogurt. Salt to taste.
Put it in a bread bowl; I don’t give a heck. You can swap out the beans for another cup of potatoes—I just had them kicking around, so, eh. Same for the yogurt; you could do without. Add some spinach, add some other root vegetables in with the potatoes, whatever. It’s a solid base for a lot of tinkering.