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Wojciech Mazur WojciechMazur

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WojciechMazur / 0. README
Last active August 22, 2024 11:44
Given preference changes - Scala 3.6.0-RC1-bin-20240821-a2c53a1-NIGHTLY
Results of running Open Community Build against Scala 3.6.0-RC1-bin-20240821-a2c53a1-NIGHTLY that was run on 1579 projects.
There are 1284 projects that were tested with new the new givens prioritization enabled, the remaing projects define `-source:3.5` or lower in their build configuration. .
The list of excluded projects is available in the attachment.
`given-prefernece-changes.stats` contains a list of projects that started to warn about changes to given prioritizaiton including total and unique ammount of warnings as well their count distinct by the respected types.
`given-preference-changes.json` contains a parsed version of compiler warnings
Many projects are using a fixed `-source:3.x` version which would disable a new givens prioritization schema. For example, most of typlevel stack is using a fixed `3.0-migration` along all of the projects. That's one of the reasons why type-level libraries on their own seem.
We might consider forcing usage of 3.6 or higher source versions in them, but it would l
WojciechMazur / Scala2.stdlib.diff
Created January 7, 2024 22:00
> diff -bur text/outputs-head text/outputs-pr
diff --color -bur text/outputs-head/scala/PartialFunction.class.javap text/outputs-pr/scala/PartialFunction.class.javap
--- text/outputs-head/scala/PartialFunction.class.javap 2024-01-07 22:35:56
+++ text/outputs-pr/scala/PartialFunction.class.javap 2024-01-07 22:40:20
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
public default <A1 extends A, B1> B1 applyOrElse(A1, scala.Function1<A1, B1>);
public static scala.Function1 runWith$(scala.PartialFunction, scala.Function1);
public default <U> scala.Function1<A, java.lang.Object> runWith(scala.Function1<B, U>);
+ public static scala.Function1 andThen$(scala.PartialFunction, scala.Function1);
+ public default scala.Function1 andThen(scala.Function1);
WojciechMazur / 3.2.2-vs-3.3.0
Created November 8, 2023 21:55
Open CB results for the ecosystem state at the day of release Scala 3.3.0 and 3.3.1
config cutoff date=2023-05-23 (day of release 3.3.0)
All projects would be build with the last tag of commit SHA before this date
Summary and comparsion at the end of file
Projects failing in 3.2.2
By build tool:
- mill: 6 (7.41%)
- scala-cli: 5 (6.17%)
- unknown: 1 (1.23%)
- sbt: 69 (85.19%)
WojciechMazur /
Last active August 28, 2023 10:01
3.3.1-RC6 vs 3.3.0

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.3.1-RC4 [1]:

Project Version Build URL Notes
armanbilge/gcp4s 0.1-2e738ad -> 0.1-8d9cb99 Open CB logs Problem with JDK version, missing method

Projects with last successful builds using Scala 3.3.1-RC1-bin-20230524-5262680-NIGHTLY [5]:

Project Version Build URL Notes
Build Id: 3.2.2-RC1-bin-20220909-eaa2889-NIGHTLY_2022-09-10_full_51
Projects count: 926
Scala version: 3.2.2-RC1-bin-20220909-eaa2889-NIGHTLY
Failed projects: 74
- openlink/virtuoso-opensource
Version: 3.122
Build URL:
Successfull modules: 0
Failed modules: 0
WojciechMazur / ScalaBenchmarksPlugin.scala
Last active July 7, 2022 15:33
Scala Benchmarks sbt plguin
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import xsbti.compile.CompileAnalysis
import xsbti.VirtualFileRef
import java.nio.file.Path
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import java.nio.file.Files
WojciechMazur / KMeansBench.scala
Created December 14, 2021 16:15
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._
import scala.collection._
import scala.util.Random
import scala.Predef.augmentString
import scala.Predef.intWrapper
import scala.{Int, Double, Boolean}
import java.lang.String