I hereby claim:
- I am wolfgangsenff on github.
- I am wolfgangsenff (https://keybase.io/wolfgangsenff) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASAvwW-SmM6W-1E_SbwlAuHp0-FzFBjg3vBVmxZeKYOo1wo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
extends Spatial | |
signal tapped(card) | |
signal released(card) | |
var is_tapped = false setget set_is_tapped | |
var should_process_touch = true | |
func set_is_tapped(value): | |
is_tapped = value |
func get_direction(pos : Vector2) -> String: | |
var B := pos # next position | |
var A := global_position # current position | |
var direction := B - A | |
direction = direction.normalized() | |
var angle = direction.angle() | |
var cos_angle = rad2deg(cos(angle)) | |
var sin_angle = rad2deg(sin(angle)) |
extends Spatial | |
var speed = 100 | |
func _physics_process(delta): | |
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_space"): | |
translation += speed * (Vector3.RIGHT.rotated(Vector3(0, 1, 0), rotation.y)) * delta | |
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: | |
if event is InputEventMouseMotion: |
func _physics_process(delta): | |
if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_A): | |
rotate_y(0.1) | |
if $AnimPlayer.current_animation != "Walk-loop": | |
$AnimPlayer.play("Walk-loop") | |
elif ... |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
extends Resource | |
class_name FolderListResource | |
export (String) onready var FolderPath setget set_folder_path | |
export (String) var ResourceCategory | |
var all_resources = [] | |
func set_folder_path(value): | |
FolderPath = value |
extends Camera2D | |
export (NodePath) var target | |
var target_return_enabled = true | |
var target_return_rate = 0.02 | |
var min_zoom = 0.5 | |
var max_zoom = 2 | |
var zoom_sensitivity = 10 | |
var zoom_speed = 0.05 |
extends Node2D | |
func _ready() -> void: | |
var file = File.new() | |
var file_location = "user://cache_temp/icon.png" | |
if not file.file_exists(file_location): | |
var result = file.open(file_location, File.WRITE_READ) | |
var buffer = preload("res://icon.png").get_data().get_data() | |
file.store_buffer(buffer) | |
file.close() |
extends Area2D | |
const FlightMagnitude = 20.0 | |
const FlightFrequency = 5.0 | |
const FlightSpeed = 8.0 | |
var _current_flight_angle := 0.0 | |
var _flying_left := 1 | |
func _physics_process(delta : float) -> void: |
## For a beginner-friendly version of the following (more advanced users likely will get better use of the below, | |
## if you're just starting out...), see this new gist: | |
## https://gist.github.com/WolfgangSenff/0a9c1d800db42a9a9441b2d0288ed0fd | |
This document represents the beginning of an upgrade or migration document for GDScript 2.0 and Godot 4.0. I'm focusing on 2D | |
at the moment as I'm upgrading a 2D game, but will hopefully have more to add for 3D afterward. | |
## If you want more content like this, please help fund my cat's medical bills at https://ko-fi.com/kyleszklenski - thank you very much! On to the migration guide. |