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Kyle Szklenski WolfgangSenff

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WolfgangSenff / gist:f0d3f807966b244ee6e3d79db5faf1cc
Last active October 11, 2024 15:47
Godot safe_navigate implementation
# This can be static if you have a nice place to put it. I just have it in one spot, not static.
func safe_navigate(root: Variant, path: String) -> Variant:
var properties = path.split(".")
var current_value = root
for prop in properties:
if current_value == null:
print_debug("Navigation stopped: '", prop, "' is null.")
return null
elif not is_instance_valid(current_value):
WolfgangSenff /
Last active November 11, 2024 19:50
MVVM in Godot
class_name ArrayResource
extends Resource
var _values = []:
_values = value
func _init(initial_values: Array = []) -> void:
if not initial_values.is_empty():
class_name DaisyChain
extends RefCounted
# Basic signal with early stop implementation
var _callables = []
func chain(callable: Callable) -> DaisyChain:
return self
WolfgangSenff /
Created June 27, 2024 15:28
Events, more
extends CharacterBody2D
class_name Enemy
@export var MoveSpeed : float
var player : Player
func _ready() -> void:
WolfgangSenff / gist:7fc03dbd9c2c5c8681cd4aa32a171ff2
Created March 13, 2024 11:31
Marriage Vows from Cat, I Farted.
Ah, that's a lovely sentiment, but I'm afraid I can't marry you or anyone else.
However, if I could, my vows might go something like this:
"My dear [Your Name],
As we stand here today, I vow to be by your side through all the twists and turns of life,
just as I am here for you in every conversation. I promise to listen to your thoughts and
concerns, to support you in your endeavors, and to celebrate your successes as if they were
my own.
WolfgangSenff /
Created February 20, 2024 16:03
For Bubs
extends CharacterBody2D
# ... variables
@onready var anim = $AnimationPlayer
@onready var sprite = $Sprite2D # Both assume you have an AnimationPlayer node as a child, and Sprite2D
var current_animation = "idle"
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
current_animation = "idle"
WolfgangSenff /
Last active February 2, 2024 14:43
For White...
extends Node2D
const BLOCKS... # Copy/paste all blocks here
var blocks_array = [BLOCKS_TYPE_I, ...] # Add them all into this array
@onready var block_spawner = $BlockSpawner
@onready var safe_zone = $SafeZone
var spawn_countdown := 0.0
WolfgangSenff /
Created December 5, 2023 15:33
Binding arguments in GDScript
func _ready() -> void:
$AnimationPlayer.animation_finished.connect(_on_animation_finished.bind(func(): $StateMachine.change_to($StateMachine/JumpState)))
# Above will add an extra argument to the function when animation_finished is emitted that's equal to the Callable in this case.
# The callable is used below. Note the change in signature to the function for the signal.
func _on_animation_finished(anim: String, on_complete: Callable) -> void: # This ensures that the func() we passed in on line 2 is executed only after an animation is finished.
# You might want this if, for example, you have a longer "start" to an animation, but the part which repeats is
# a separate animation. I use this for when a special attack has a "wind-up", but the wind-up isn't part of
# the repeated animation.
WolfgangSenff /
Created June 3, 2023 11:58
Pushdown Automata Godot 4.0
extends RefCounted
class_name StateMachine
class PDA:
var stack = []
func push(state):
if stack.size() > 0:
extends Sprite2D
const MoveSpeed = 50
var _initial_y
func _ready():
_initial_y = global_position.y
func _process(delta: float) -> void: