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Last active October 11, 2024 15:47
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Godot safe_navigate implementation
# This can be static if you have a nice place to put it. I just have it in one spot, not static.
func safe_navigate(root: Variant, path: String) -> Variant:
var properties = path.split(".")
var current_value = root
for prop in properties:
if current_value == null:
print_debug("Navigation stopped: '", prop, "' is null.")
return null
elif not is_instance_valid(current_value):
print_debug("Navigation stopped: '", prop, "' is queued for deletion.")
return null
elif not prop in current_value:
print_debug("Navigation stopped: Property '", prop, "' does not exist on object ", current_value)
return null
current_value = current_value.get(prop)
return current_value
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