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Created April 16, 2012 06:00
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ATmega328P ADC conversion example
/* A simple ADC example that checks the analog reading on ADC0 and turns
* an LED on if the reading is higher than a threshold value and turns if
* off if it is under that value. */
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* Which analog pin we want to read from. The pins are labeled "ADC0"
* "ADC1" etc on the pinout in the data sheet. In this case ADC_PIN
* being 0 means we want to use ADC0. On the ATmega328P this is also
* the same as pin PC0 */
#define ADC_PIN 0
/* Just the pin we are going to be connecting the LED to PB0 is the same
* as PIN0 but since we will be using PORTB it makes sense to use the
* name PB0 */
#define LED_PIN PB0
/* The ADC value we will consider the cutoff point for turning the LED
* on or off. The ADC we are using is 10-bits so can be a value from
* 0 to 1023. The value 0 means that there is no voltage on the ADC pin
* and the value 1023 means the voltage has reached the voltage on the
* AREF pin. */
#define ADC_THRESHOLD 512
/* This function just keeps the reading code out of the loop itself.
* It takes the analog pin number as a parameter and returns the
* analog reading on that pin as a result.
* Look for its definition below main. */
uint16_t adc_read(uint8_t adcx);
int main(void) {
/* Enable the ADC */
/* Set the LED pin as an output. */
/* continually check if the ADC value is greater than the
* defined ADC_THRESHOLD value above. If it is turn the LED on,
* if it isn't turn it off. */
for (;;) {
if (adc_read(ADC_PIN) > ADC_THRESHOLD)
uint16_t adc_read(uint8_t adcx) {
/* adcx is the analog pin we want to use. ADMUX's first few bits are
* the binary representations of the numbers of the pins so we can
* just 'OR' the pin's number with ADMUX to select that pin.
* We first zero the four bits by setting ADMUX equal to its higher
* four bits. */
ADMUX &= 0xf0;
ADMUX |= adcx;
/* This starts the conversion. */
/* This is an idle loop that just wait around until the conversion
* is finished. It constantly checks ADCSRA's ADSC bit, which we just
* set above, to see if it is still set. This bit is automatically
* reset (zeroed) when the conversion is ready so if we do this in
* a loop the loop will just go until the conversion is ready. */
while ( (ADCSRA & _BV(ADSC)) );
/* Finally, we return the converted value to the calling function. */
return ADC;
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what's the reference voltage? In my opinion, it should be something around 2.6 volts, is that right?

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