I hereby claim:
- I am dethmourne on github.
- I am dethmourne (https://keybase.io/dethmourne) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is BFC0 D0DD 7B1C 38D0 E193 A0B1 750A E91B 42C4 4E44
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#var pnum 1 | |
#var partylist {""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""} | |
#trigger grab_party {^\|(\w+)\s*\|\s*HP:\s*(?:-\d+|\d+)/(?:-\d+|\d+)\s*\|$} { | |
#var partylist %replaceitem( %lower(%1), @pnum, @partylist) | |
#add pnum 1 | |
} {} regex | |
pss | |
#alarm +1 { | |
#untrigger grab_party | |
#unvar pnum |
#if (%1 =~ "ahrimazda.") { | |
notify Ahrimazda - 10% more Holy/Unholy | |
notify I'll take the left one, you take the right | |
} | |
#if (%1 =~ "anakim.") { | |
notify Anakaim - 15% Vuln to Harm | |
notify Also probably has a superiority complex | |
} | |
#if (%1 =~ "arakun.") { | |
notify Arakun - No Vulns/Resists |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: