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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Save X39/2333ee35a40802ce96ed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* @Param 1 - ACTION:
* STRING - String containing the action name, possible actions:
* - init
* - EH_KeyUp
* - EH_KeyDown
* - CreateDisplay
* - DestroyDisplay
* @Param 2 - PARAMETERS:
* ARRAY, see:
* @Action "init":
* [
* ARRAY - Array containing all valid KeysArrays for this action (KeyArray: [KeyToPress:SCALAR, ShiftState:BOOLEAN, CtrlState:BOOLEAN, AltState:BOOLEAN])
* OBJECT - Object whichs vehicle partners are watches (most of the time should be player)
* ]
* @Action "EH_KeyUp", "EH_KeyDown":
* [
* ANY - Any thingy
* SCALAR - Key pressed
* BOOLEAN - CTRL state
* BOOLEAN - ALT state
* ]
* @Action "CreateDisplay", "DestroyDisplay":
* []
//Error Defines
#define ERROR_COULD_NOT_CREATE_DISPLAY "Could not create display"
#define ERROR_UNKNOWN_ACTION "Unknown action"
//UI Defines
#define uiPositionX 0.408837 * safezoneW + safezoneX
#define uiPositionY 0.3834 * safezoneH + safezoneY
#define uiPositionW 0.154687 * safezoneW
#define uiPositionH 0.231 * safezoneH
#define uiPosition [uiPositionX, uiPositionY, uiPositionW, uiPositionH]
#define uiIDC 32001
#define uiPictureColor [1, 1, 1, 1]
#define uiBackgroundColor [1, 1, 1, 0]
#define uiActiveColor [1, 1, 1, 0]
#define uiForegroundColor [1, 1, 1, 0]
#define uiVariable(VAR) (uiNamespace getVariable [VAR, displayNull])
private["_action", "___returnValue___"];
_action = _this select 0;
_this = _this select 1;
___returnValue___ = false;
switch(_action) do
case "init": {
//Assign the different variables of this script
X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_ActionKeys = _this select 0;
X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_WatchedUnit = _this select 1;
X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_LastUnitsInVehicle = [];
X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_KeyEventHandler = [
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", format["(['EH_KeyDown', _this] call (missionNamespace getVariable %1))", str _fnc_scriptName]],
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", format["(['EH_KeyUp', _this] call (missionNamespace getVariable %1))", str _fnc_scriptName]]
//Create the display element
["CreateDisplay", nil] call (missionNamespace getVariable _fnc_scriptName);
___returnValue___ = true;
case "EH_KeyUp": {
//Clear display element and after that exit this function if it is not in our key list
_this deleteAt 0;
if(!(_this in X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_ActionKeys)) exitWith {};
//Check if the vehicleDisplayUI has to be hidden
if(ctrlShown uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI")) then
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") ctrlShow false;
___returnValue___ = true;
case "EH_KeyDown": {
//Clear display element and after that exit this function if it is not in our key list
_this deleteAt 0;
if(!(_this in X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_ActionKeys)) exitWith {};
private["_crew", "_index"];
//check if we are currently in a vehicle and leave the script if we are not
if(vehicle X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_WatchedUnit == X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_WatchedUnit) exitWith
if(ctrlShown uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI")) then
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") ctrlShow false;
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") ctrlShow true;
//get current crew of the vehicle and compare it to the last
_crew = fullCrew vehicle X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_WatchedUnit;
if(!(X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_LastUnitsInVehicle isEqualTo _crew)) then
//last crew differs from current crew, clear the listbox and update every crew entry
X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_LastUnitsInVehicle = _crew;
lbClear uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI");
_index = uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") lbAdd name (_x select 0);
switch(toLower (_x select 1)) do
case "driver": {
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") lbSetPicture [_index, "a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\getindriver_ca.paa"];
case "gunner"; case "turret": {
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") lbSetPicture [_index, "a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\getingunner_ca.paa"];
case "commander": {
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") lbSetPicture [_index, "a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\getincommander_ca.paa"];
default {
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") lbSetPicture [_index, "a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\getincargo_ca.paa"];
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") lbSetPictureColor [_index, uiPictureColor];
}count _crew;
___returnValue___ = true;
case "CreateDisplay": {
uiNamespace setVariable ["X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI", (findDisplay 46) ctrlCreate ["RscListBox", uiIDC]];
if(isNull uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI")) then
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") ctrlShow false;
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") ctrlSetPosition uiPosition;
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") ctrlSetBackgroundColor uiBackgroundColor;
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") ctrlSetActiveColor uiActiveColor;
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") ctrlSetForegroundColor uiForegroundColor;
uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI") ctrlCommit 0;
___returnValue___ = true;
case "DestroyDisplay": {
ctrlDelete uiVariable("X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI");
uiNamespace setVariable ["X39_XLib_var_VehicleDisplay_UI", nil];
___returnValue___ = true;
default {
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