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Created April 29, 2016 14:59
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ArmA3 Draw Player Markers on HUD
if (!isNil "EH") then
removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", EH];
EH = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {
_prefix = "_USER_DEFINED";
_prefixCount = count _prefix;
_cfgMarkers = configFile >> "CfgMarkers";
_cfgMarkerColors = configFile >> "CfgMarkerColors";
_FadeDistanceMax = [2000, 3000];
_FadeDistanceMin = [25, 10];
_overallAlpha = 1;
if (_x select [0, _prefixCount] == _prefix) then
_texture = getText (_cfgMarkers >> (markerType _x) >> "icon");
_color = getArray (_cfgMarkerColors >> markerColor _x >> "color");
_pos = markerPos _x;
_dstAlphaValue = player distance _pos;
if (_dstAlphaValue > _FadeDistanceMax select 0) then
_dstAlphaValue = ((_FadeDistanceMax select 1) - _dstAlphaValue) / ((_FadeDistanceMax select 1) - (_FadeDistanceMax select 0));
if(_dstAlphaValue < _FadeDistanceMin select 0) then
_dstAlphaValue = (_dstAlphaValue - (_FadeDistanceMin select 1)) / ((_FadeDistanceMin select 0) - (_FadeDistanceMin select 1));
_dstAlphaValue = 1;
_dstAlphaValue = _overallAlpha - (1 - _dstAlphaValue);
_color set [3, markerAlpha _x * _dstAlphaValue];
_color = _color apply {
if (typeName _x == "STRING") then
0 call compile _x
_scale = markerSize _x;
_rotation = markerDir _x;
_text = markerText _x;
drawIcon3D [_texture, _color, _pos, _scale select 0, _scale select 1, _rotation, _text, 3];
} count AllMapMarkers;
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