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Last active September 16, 2015 23:52
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Save X39/9a2a6cf971b9d86c0b49 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
X39_fnc_Scheduler_Create = {
* Creates the scheduler object if not yet was created
* Params: -/-
* Return: OBJECT - Scheduler object (also available via missionNamespace variable 'X39_var_Scheduler')
* Throws: No
* Notes : -/-
if(!isNil "X39_var_Scheduler") exitWith {};
private "_scheduleFunction";
X39_var_Scheduler = "EmptyDetector" createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0];
X39_var_Scheduler setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false];
X39_var_Scheduler setVariable["Scheduler_Jobs", []];
_scheduleFunction = str {
_jobs = thisTrigger getVariable "Scheduler_Jobs";
_curTime = time;
if(!isNil "_x") then
if(_curTime - (_x select 2) >= (_x select 1)) then
_x set[2, _curTime];
_forEachIndex call (_x select 1);
} foreach _jobs;
_scheduleFunction = _scheduleFunction select [1, (count _scheduleFunction) - 2];
X39_var_Scheduler setTriggerStatements [_scheduleFunction, "", ""];
X39_fnc_Scheduler_AddJob = {
* Adds a new job to the scheduler
* Params:
* [
* R - SCALAR - Time between each execution
* R - CODE - Code to be executed, code gets following parameter passed:
* <SCALAR-UniqueID>
* O - BOOLEAN - Shall the first execution be instant
* ]
* Return: SCALAR - Unique ID of this job (so it can be canceled
* Throws: Yes
* Notes : -/-
if(isNil "X39_var_Scheduler") exitWith { throw "ERR: Scheduler not yet created"; };
params [
["_timeout", -1, [1]],
["_code", {}, [{}]],
["_execute", false, [false]]
if(_timeout <= 0) exitWith { throw "ERR: Param1 (timeout) <= 0"; };
if(str _code == "{}") exitWith { throw "ERR: Param2 (executionCode) is empty"; };
((X39_var_Scheduler getVariable "Scheduler_Jobs") pushBack [_timeout, _code, (if(_execute) then {time - _timeout} else {time})])
X39_fnc_Scheduler_RemoveJob = {
* Removes a job from the scheduler
* Params:
* [
* R - SCALAR - UniqueID of the job you want to remove
* ]
* Return: -/-
* Throws: Yes
* Notes : Invalid UniqueIDs which are > 0 wont throw issues and instead just enlarge the joblist!
if(isNil "X39_var_Scheduler") exitWith { throw "ERR: Scheduler not yet created"; };
params [
["_uniqueID", -1, [1]]
if(_uniqueID < 0) exitWith { throw "ERR: UniqueID < 0"; };
(X39_var_Scheduler getVariable "Scheduler_Jobs") set [_uniqueID, nil];
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