Infrared Sensor: IRM-56384
Connecting Arduino to a 74C164 Shift Register
Lewis Loflin [email protected]
Demo to shift byte into 74HC164
8-Bit Serial-In - Parallel-Out Serial Shift Register
Will count from 0 to 255 in binary on eight LEDs
The 74HC164 has three inputs:
Input A-B (pins 1, 2) is for data. they can be tied
together or the one not used tied to +Vcc
Clock pin 8 data is serially shifted in and
out of the 8-bit register during
the positive going transition of clock pulse.
Clear (pin 9) is independent of the clock
and accomplished by a low level at the
clear input.
As far as LSB first or MSB bit first is up to software
and electrical connections on the output
#define DATA 12
#define CLK 11
#define CLR 9
#define VCC 2
#define SIG A0
#define RLAY 6
#define OFF 0
#define ON 1
unsigned long startMillis; // some global variables available anywhere in the program
unsigned long currentMillis;
const unsigned long period = 1000; // the value is a number of milliseconds
byte i, j, temp, val;
int data[] = {2, 62, 72, 40, 52, 160, 128, 50, 0, 32};
void setup() {
pinMode(DATA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(CLK, OUTPUT);
pinMode(CLR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(VCC, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RLAY, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // used to test-debug various sections of code
digitalWrite(CLK, OFF);
digitalWrite(CLR, OFF); // active LOW
digitalWrite(VCC, ON);
startMillis = millis(); // initial start time
Serial.begin(115200); // open the serial port at 9600 bps:
void loop() {
digitalWrite(13, OFF); // Debug LED
digitalWrite(RLAY, OFF); // PowerRelay
if (!digitalRead(SIG)) {
digitalWrite(13, ON); // Debug LED
digitalWrite(RLAY, ON); // PowerRelay
void handleInfraredSensor() {
unsigned long previousMillis = millis();
unsigned long interval = 0; // Adjust this interval as needed
int number = 60;
int digit1 = 0;
int digit2 = 0;
while (number > 0) {
if (millis() - previousMillis >= interval) {
previousMillis = millis(); // Save the last time the digit was updated
digit1 = number / 10; // First digit of the number
digit2 = number % 10; // Second digit of the number
// Display the same count number on both digits
for (int count = 0; count < 50; count++) {
digitalWrite(CLR, HIGH); // Select first 7-segment display
val = data[digit1]; // Set value for the first 7-segment display
shiftData(val); // Shift the data into the shift register
delay(10); // Display the first digit for a short time
digitalWrite(CLR, LOW); // Select second 7-segment display
val = data[digit2]; // Set value for the second 7-segment display
shiftData(val); // Shift the data into the shift register
delay(10); // Display the second digit for a short time
void shiftData(byte val) {
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
temp = (val >> j) & 0x01;
digitalWrite(DATA, temp);
pulsout(CLK, 0);
void resetDigits(){
digitalWrite(CLR, LOW); // Select first 7-segment display
shiftData(B11111111); // Shift the data into the shift register
digitalWrite(CLR, HIGH); // Select first 7-segment display
shiftData(B11111111); // Shift the data into the shift register
// inverts state of pin, delays, then reverts state back
void pulsout(byte x, int y) {
byte z = digitalRead(x);
z = !z;
digitalWrite(x, z);
z = !z; // return to original state
digitalWrite(x, z);
} // end pulsout()
IR barrier reverse engineering test code
This code assumes that you have connected your analog sensors to pins A0, A1, and A2, and an LED to pin D13 on your Arduino board. Adjust the pin configurations based on your actual hardware connections if necessary. The voltages are read and printed to the serial monitor, and if any of them goes below 3 volts, the LED on pin D13 is turned on for X seconds.