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Created October 14, 2024 20:37
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Pequena biblioteca para produzir protocolo TAP
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170109.1: * @file TAP.h
//@@language c
#pragma once
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170419.1: ** /includes
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170422.1: ** /constantes e tipos
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170412.1: *3* struct TapPlan
struct TapPlan {
uint32_t testNumber;
uint32_t maxTests;
uint8_t yamlIdentation;
bool givenUp;
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170417.1: ** void tapVersion (uint32_t version)
void tapVersion (uint32_t version) {
assert(version >= 13);
printf("TAP version %u\n", version);
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170436.1: ** /Plan
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170406.1: *3* void TapPlanStart (struct TapPlan *plan, uint32_t maxTests)
void TapPlanStart (struct TapPlan *plan, uint32_t maxTests) {
assert(plan->testNumber == 0);
assert(maxTests >= 1);
plan->maxTests = maxTests;
printf("1..%u\n", maxTests);
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170318.1: *3* void TapPlanEnd (struct TapPlan *plan)
void TapPlanEnd (struct TapPlan *plan) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
plan->givenUp = true;
if (plan->maxTests > 0) {
assert(plan->testNumber <= plan->maxTests);
printf("1..%u\n", plan->maxTests);
} else {
assert(plan->testNumber > 0);
printf("1..%u\n", plan->testNumber);
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170307.1: *3* void TapPlanSkip (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *description)
void TapPlanSkip (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *description) {
assert(plan->testNumber == 0);
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
plan->givenUp = true;
printf("1..0 # %s\n", description);
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170303.1: *3* void TapPlanBailOut (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *description)
void TapPlanBailOut (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *description) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
plan->givenUp = true;
printf("Bail out! %s\n", description);
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170445.1: ** /Test
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170258.1: *3* void TapTest (struct TapPlan *plan, bool expression, const char *description)
void TapTest (struct TapPlan *plan, bool expression, const char *description) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
plan->testNumber += 1;
if (plan->maxTests > 0) { assert(plan->testNumber <= plan->maxTests); }
printf("%s %u - %s\n", (expression ? "ok" : "not ok"), plan->testNumber, description);
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170252.1: *3* void TapTestSkip (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *description)
void TapTestSkip (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *description) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
plan->testNumber += 1;
if (plan->maxTests > 0) { assert(plan->testNumber <= plan->maxTests); }
printf("ok %u # SKIP %s\n", plan->testNumber, description);
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170248.1: *3* void TapTestTodo (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *description)
void TapTestTodo (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *description) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
plan->testNumber += 1;
if (plan->maxTests > 0) { assert(plan->testNumber <= plan->maxTests); }
printf("not ok %u # TODO %s\n", plan->testNumber, description);
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170451.1: ** /Diagnostic
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170240.1: *3* void TapDiagnostic (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *text)
void TapDiagnostic (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *text) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
printf("# %s\n", text);
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170207.1: *3* void TapYamlBegin (struct TapPlan *plan)
void TapYamlBegin (struct TapPlan *plan) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
assert(plan->yamlIdentation == 0);
printf(" ---\n");
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170202.1: *3* uint8_t TapYamlLevelUp (struct TapPlan *plan)
uint8_t TapYamlLevelUp (struct TapPlan *plan) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return 0;}
plan->yamlIdentation += 1;
return plan->yamlIdentation;
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170157.1: *3* uint8_t TapYamlLevelDown (struct TapPlan *plan)
uint8_t TapYamlLevelDown (struct TapPlan *plan) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return 0;}
assert(plan->yamlIdentation > 0);
plan->yamlIdentation -= 1;
return plan->yamlIdentation;
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170153.1: *3* void TapYamlIdent (struct TapPlan *plan)
void TapYamlIdent (struct TapPlan *plan) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
for (size_t i = 0; i <= plan->yamlIdentation; i++) {
printf(" ");
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170148.1: *3* void TapYamlName (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *name)
void TapYamlName (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *name) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
printf("%s:\n", name);
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170143.1: *3* void TapYamlKeyValue (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *key, const char *value)
void TapYamlKeyValue (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *key, const char *value) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
printf("%s: '%s'\n", key,value);
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170138.1: *3* void TapYamlArrayItem (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *item)
void TapYamlArrayItem (struct TapPlan *plan, const char *item) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
printf("- '%s'\n", item);
//@+node:caminhante.20241010170133.1: *3* void TapYamlEnd (struct TapPlan *plan)
void TapYamlEnd (struct TapPlan *plan) {
if (plan->givenUp) {return;}
plan->yamlIdentation = 0;
printf(" ...\n");
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