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Last active October 7, 2024 05:22
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Uma outra versão da ideia do Lelzin
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define SIZE(ARR) (sizeof(ARR)/sizeof(ARR[0]))
#define ALLOC(TYPE,LEN) \
(TYPE*)calloc(LEN, sizeof(TYPE))
( (void*)(ARRAY) + ((POSITION)*sizeof(TYPE)) )
struct MinMax { int min; int max; };
struct MinMax IntArray_MinMax (size_t size, int arr[static size]) {
assert(size >= 2);
struct MinMax mm = (struct MinMax) {.min = arr[0], .max = arr[0]};
for (size_t p = 1; p < size; p++) {
if (arr[p] < mm.min) { mm.min = arr[p]; }
if (arr[p] > mm.max) { mm.max = arr[p]; }
return mm;
struct IntFreqs {
struct MinMax mm;
size_t *freqs;
size_t IntFreqs_RangeSize (int min, int max) {
assert(max >= min);
return max - min + 1;
struct IntFreqs IntFreqs_Alloc (struct MinMax *mm) {
size_t rangeSize = IntFreqs_RangeSize(mm->min, mm->max);
size_t *freqs = ALLOC(size_t, rangeSize);
if (freqs == NULL) { return DEFAULT(struct IntFreqs); }
struct IntFreqs ifreq = (struct IntFreqs) {.mm = *mm, .freqs = freqs};
return ifreq;
void IntFreqs_Destroy (struct IntFreqs *ifreq) {
ifreq->freqs = NULL;
ifreq->mm = DEFAULT(struct MinMax);
void IntFreqs_Populate (struct IntFreqs *ifreq, size_t size, int arr[static size]) {
assert(size >= 2);
int min = ifreq->mm.min;
size_t rangeSize = IntFreqs_RangeSize(ifreq->mm.min, ifreq->mm.max);
for (size_t p = 0; p < size; p++) {
int qq = arr[p] - min; assert(qq >= 0);
size_t q = (size_t) qq; assert(q < rangeSize);
//ifreq->freqs[q] += 1;
*GET(size_t, ifreq->freqs, q) += 1;
void IntFreqs_Print (struct IntFreqs *ifreq) {
int min = ifreq->mm.min;
int max = ifreq->mm.max;
size_t rangeSize = IntFreqs_RangeSize(min, max);
printf("<IntFreqs: min=%d max=%d> {", min, max);
for (size_t p = 0; p < rangeSize-1; p++) {
//printf("%lu ", ifreq->freqs[p]);
printf("%lu ", *GET(size_t, ifreq->freqs, p));
//printf("%lu}\n", ifreq->freqs[rangeSize-1]);
printf("%lu}\n", *GET(size_t, ifreq->freqs, rangeSize-1));
struct IntFreqSample {
int value;
size_t freq;
size_t IntFreqs_SamplesQuantity (struct IntFreqs *ifreq) {
size_t rangeSize = IntFreqs_RangeSize(ifreq->mm.min, ifreq->mm.max);
size_t q = 0;
for (size_t p = 0; p < rangeSize; p++) {
//if (ifreq->freqs[p] > 0) { q += 1; }
size_t freq = *GET(size_t, ifreq->freqs, p);
if (freq > 0) { q += 1; }
assert(q >= 1);
return q;
struct IntFreqSparse {
struct MinMax mm;
size_t quantity;
struct IntFreqSample *samples;
struct IntFreqSparse IntFreqSparse_Alloc (struct MinMax *mm, size_t quantity) {
assert(quantity >= 1);
assert(quantity <= IntFreqs_RangeSize(mm->min, mm->max));
struct IntFreqSample *s = ALLOC(struct IntFreqSample, quantity);
if (s == NULL) { return DEFAULT(struct IntFreqSparse); }
struct IntFreqSparse freqsparse = (struct IntFreqSparse) {.mm = *mm, .quantity = quantity, .samples = s};
return freqsparse;
void IntFreqSparse_Destroy (struct IntFreqSparse *ifreqs) {
ifreqs->samples = NULL;
ifreqs->quantity = 0;
ifreqs->mm = DEFAULT(struct MinMax);
void IntFreqSparse_Populate (struct IntFreqSparse *ifreqs, struct IntFreqs *ifreq) {
assert(ifreqs->samples != NULL);
int min = ifreq->mm.min;
int max = ifreq->mm.max;
assert(ifreqs->mm.min == min && ifreqs->mm.max == max);
size_t rangeSize = IntFreqs_RangeSize(min, max);
size_t quantity = ifreqs->quantity;
assert(quantity == IntFreqs_SamplesQuantity(ifreq));
assert(quantity <= rangeSize);
size_t r = 0;
for (size_t p=0; p<quantity; p++) {
//while (r < rangeSize && ifreq->freqs[r] == 0) { r += 1; }
while (r < rangeSize && *GET(size_t, ifreq->freqs, r) == 0) { r += 1; } assert(r >= p);
int value = (int) (r + min); assert(value <= max);
size_t freq = *GET(size_t, ifreq->freqs, r);
//ifreqs->samples[p] = (struct IntFreqSample) {.value = value, .freq = freq};
struct IntFreqSample sample = (struct IntFreqSample) {.value = value, .freq = freq};
PUT(struct IntFreqSample, ifreqs->samples, p, sample);
r += 1;
assert(r <= rangeSize);
void IntFreqSparse_Print (struct IntFreqSparse *ifreqs) {
int min = ifreqs->mm.min;
int max = ifreqs->mm.max;
size_t q = ifreqs->quantity;
printf("<IntFreqSparse: min=%d max=%d> {", min, max);
struct IntFreqSample *s;
for (size_t p = 0; p < q-1; p++) {
s = GET(struct IntFreqSample, ifreqs->samples, p);
printf("{%d x %lu} ", s->value, s->freq);
s = GET(struct IntFreqSample, ifreqs->samples, q-1);
printf("{%d x %lu}}\n", s->value, s->freq);
void testIt (size_t size, int arr[static size]) {
struct MinMax mm = IntArray_MinMax(size, arr);
struct IntFreqs ifreq = IntFreqs_Alloc(&mm);
IntFreqs_Populate(&ifreq, size, arr);
size_t quantity = IntFreqs_SamplesQuantity(&ifreq);
struct IntFreqSparse ifreqs = IntFreqSparse_Alloc(&mm, quantity);
IntFreqSparse_Populate(&ifreqs, &ifreq);
int main (void) {
int t1[] = {13,9,9,8,8,7,7,6,6,6,-4};
assert(SIZE(t1) == 11);
int t2[] = {-2,2};
testIt(SIZE(t1), t1);
testIt(SIZE(t2), t2);
return 0;
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