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Created July 30, 2021 06:47
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  • Save XPlantefeve/391abe1de420256b4ccc3ea9edd2442d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save XPlantefeve/391abe1de420256b4ccc3ea9edd2442d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# (very) quick and (very) dirty bencoding converter.
# I actually did not now what bencoding was and reverse engineered the few
# files I needed information about.
function vo ($hash) {
if ($hash.str -match '^i(?<int>\d+)e(?<rest>.*)') {
$hash.str = $
} elseif ($hash.str -match '^(?<l>\d+):(?<rest>.*)') {
$hash.str = $$Matches.l)
} elseif ($hash.str -match '^l(?<rest>.*)') {
$hash.str = $hash.str.SubString(1)
while ($hash.str -and $hash.str -notmatch '^e') {
vo $hash
if ($hash.str -match '^e') {
$hash.str = $hash.str.SubString(1)
} elseif ($hash.str -match '^d(?<rest>.*)') {
o $hash
function vp ($hash) {
Write-Verbose ('vp: {0}' -f $hash.str)
if ($hash.str -match '^(?<nl>\d+):(?<rest>.*)') {
$name = $,$
$hash.str = $$
$value = vo $hash
if ($name -match '-date') {
$value = Get-Date -UnixTimeSeconds $value
} elseif ($name -match 'time-checked') {
$value = foreach ($v in $value) {
Get-Date -UnixTimeSeconds $v
$hash.o | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers @{
$name = $value
} else {
function o ($hash) {
Write-Verbose ('o: {0}' -f $hash.str)
if ($hash.o) { $parent = $hash.o }
$hash.str = $hash.str.SubString(1)
$hash.o = [pscustomobject]::new()
While ( $hash.str -and $hash.str -notmatch '^e') {
vp $hash
if ($hash.str -match '^e') {
$hash.str = $hash.str.SubString(1)
$local = $hash.o
if ($parent) { $hash.o = $parent }
function go ($str) {
$hash = @{
str = $str
o $hash
foreach ($file in $Path) {
go ((gc $file -Raw -Encoding ascii) -replace ([char]10),'*')
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