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Created August 22, 2017 20:26
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quaternions and dual-quaternions
// quat
const quat quat::IDENTITY(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
const quat quat::ZERO(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
quat::quat() {}
quat::quat(float x, float y, float z, float w) : x(x), y(y), z(z), w(w) {}
quat::quat(const vec3 &axis, float angle) {
angle *= 0.5f;
float s = sinf(angle);
x = axis.x * s;
y = axis.y * s;
z = axis.z * s;
w = cosf(angle);
quat::quat(const vec3 &angle) {
vec3 a = angle * 0.5f;
vec3 s(sinf(a.x), sinf(a.y), sinf(a.z));
vec3 c(cosf(a.x), cosf(a.y), cosf(a.z));
quat qPitch (0.0f, s.x, 0.0f, c.x);
quat qYaw (0.0f, 0.0f, s.y, c.y);
quat qRoll ( s.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, c.z);
*this = qYaw * qPitch * qRoll;
quat::quat(float lat, float lng, float angle) {
angle *= 0.5f;
vec3 s(sinf(lng), sinf(lat), sinf(angle));
vec3 c(cosf(lng), cosf(lat), cosf(angle));
x = s.z * c.y * s.x;
y = s.z * s.y;
z = s.z * s.y * c.x;
w = c.z;
quat::quat(const vec3 &from, const vec3 &to) {
float c =;
float d = sqrtf(from.length2() + to.length2());
if (c / d == -1.0f) {
xyz = from.cross(from.axis()).normal();
w = 0.0f;
} else {
xyz = from.cross(to);
w = c + d;
float& quat::operator [] (int index) const {
return ((float*)this)[index];
bool quat::operator == (const quat &q) const {
return fcmp(x, q.x) && fcmp(y, q.y) && fcmp(z, q.z) && fcmp(w, q.w);
bool quat::operator != (const quat &q) const {
return !(*this == q);
quat& quat::operator += (const quat &q) {
x += q.x;
y += q.y;
z += q.z;
w += q.w;
return *this;
quat& quat::operator -= (const quat &q) {
x -= q.x;
y -= q.y;
z -= q.z;
w -= q.w;
return *this;
quat& quat::operator *= (const float s) {
x *= s;
y *= s;
z *= s;
w *= s;
return *this;
quat quat::operator - () const {
return quat(-x, -y, -z, -w);
quat quat::operator + (const quat &q) const {
return quat(x + q.x, y + q.y, z + q.z, w + q.w);
quat quat::operator - (const quat &q) const {
return quat(x - q.x, y - q.y, z - q.z, w - q.w);
quat quat::operator * (const float s) const {
return quat(x * s, y * s, z * s, w * s);
quat quat::operator * (const quat &q) const {
return quat(w * q.x + x * q.w + y * q.z - z * q.y,
w * q.y + y * q.w + z * q.x - x * q.z,
w * q.z + z * q.w + x * q.y - y * q.x,
w * q.w - x * q.x - y * q.y - z * q.z);
vec3 quat::operator * (const vec3 &v) const {
// return v + xyz.cross(xyz.cross(v) + v * w) * 2.0f;
return (*this * quat(v.x, v.y, v.z, 0) * inverse()).xyz;
bool quat::equal(const quat &q, float eps) const {
return fabsf(x - q.x) <= eps && fabsf(y - q.y) <= eps && fabsf(z - q.z) <= eps && fabsf(w - q.w) <= eps;
void quat::normalize() {
*this = normal();
quat quat::normal() const {
return *this * (1.0f / length());
quat quat::conjugate() const {
return quat(-x, -y, -z, w);
quat quat::inverse() const {
return conjugate() * (1.0f / length2());
quat quat::lerp(const quat &q, float t) const {
if (t <= 0.0f) return *this;
if (t >= 1.0f) return q;
return dot(q) < 0 ? (*this - (q + *this) * t) :
(*this + (q - *this) * t);
quat quat::slerp(const quat &q, float t) const {
if (t <= 0.0f) return *this;
if (t >= 1.0f) return q;
quat temp;
float omega, cosom, sinom, scale0, scale1;
cosom = dot(q);
if (cosom < 0.0f) {
temp = -q;
cosom = -cosom;
} else
temp = q;
if (1.0f - cosom > EPS) {
omega = acos(cosom);
sinom = 1.0f / sin(omega);
scale0 = sin((1.0f - t) * omega) * sinom;
scale1 = sin(t * omega) * sinom;
} else {
scale0 = 1.0f - t;
scale1 = t;
return *this * scale0 + temp * scale1;
float quat::dot(const quat &q) const {
return x * q.x + y * q.y + z * q.z + w * q.w;
float quat::length2() const {
return dot(*this);
float quat::length() const {
return sqrtf(length2());
void quat::recalc() {
w = sqrtf(_max(0.0f, 1.0f - xyz.length2()));
// quat2
const quat2 quat2::IDENTITY(quat::IDENTITY, quat::ZERO);
quat2::quat2() {}
quat2::quat2(const quat &real, const quat &dual) : real(real), dual(dual) {}
quat2::quat2(const quat &rot, const vec3 &pos) {
bool quat2::operator == (const quat2 &dq) const {
return real == dq.real && dual == dq.dual;
bool quat2::operator != (const quat2 &dq) const {
return !(*this == dq);
quat2 quat2::operator * (const quat2 &dq) const {
return quat2(real * dq.real, real * dq.dual + dual * dq.real);
vec3 quat2::operator * (const vec3 &v) const {
return real * v + (( * real.w - * dual.w + * 2.0f);
quat2 quat2::inverse() const {
return quat2(real.inverse(), dual.conjugate());
quat2 quat2::lerp(const quat2 &dq, float t) const {
if (t <= 0.0f) return *this;
if (t >= 1.0f) return dq;
return quat2(real.slerp(dq.real, t), dual.lerp(dq.dual, t));
// return < 0 ? quat2(real - (q.real + real) * t, dual - (q.dual + dual) * t) :
// quat2(real + (q.real - real) * t, dual + (q.dual - dual) * t);
quat quat2::getRot() const {
return real;
void quat2::setRot(const quat &rot) {
real = rot;
vec3 quat2::getPos() const {
return (dual * 2.0f * real.conjugate()).xyz;
void quat2::setPos(const vec3 &pos) {
dual = quat(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0.0f) * real * 0.5f;
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