%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
% LaTeX_Vorlage_Uebungsblatt.tex |
% Source: https://gist.github.com/Xennis/9637696 |
% Documentation: https://gist.github.com/Xennis/9637696#file-readme-md |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
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% code style |
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% will be numbered |
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% ------------------------- commands ------------------------------------------ |
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% shortcuts |
%\newcommand{\q}[1]{\mathrm{[#1]}} |
%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
% ------------------------ exercisesheet class design settings ---------------- |
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%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
% ------------------------- exercisesheet class text settings ----------------- |
\setsheettemplate{sheet title (student)}{Mandatory assignment~\thesheet} |
% german translation |
%\setsheettemplate{sheet title (student)}{Übungszettel~\thesheet} |
%\setsheettemplate{exercise name}{Aufgabe} |
%\setsheettemplate{subexercise name}{Teilaufgabe} |
\sheetconf{ |
lecture = Models of Concurrency, |
lecturer = Institute of Informatics, |
semester = Winter 2013, |
author = {Peter Müller 345643, Erwin Piper 349684}, |
} |
%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |