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Forked from shr00mie/
Created November 4, 2019 14:03
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Let's Encrypt SSL for ESXi
## -------------------------------=[ Info ]=--------------------------------- ##
# Generate letsencrypt cert on local server and scp to esxi target.
# Designed and tested on Ubuntu 16.04LTS.
# Assumes you have upnp control over local network. Tested with Ubiquiti USG.
# Dependencies:
# miniupnpc (sudo apt install miniupnpc)
# certbot (sudo apt install certbot)
## -=[ Author ]=------------------------------------------------------------- ##
# shr00mie
# 9.21.2018
# v0.4
## -=[ Use Case ]=----------------------------------------------------------- ##
# Allows for the generation of certificates on a separate host which can then
# be securely copied to target esxi host.
## -=[ Breakdown ]=---------------------------------------------------------- ##
# 1. Prompt for esxi target FQDN, reminder email, and esxi admin username
# 2. Check if ssh keys exist for target.
# - If keys exist, continue.
# - If keys don't exist:
# - Silently generate 4096 RSA key, no passphrase, user@target as comment.
# - Add key to ssh-agent
# - Create target folder/file structure for scp automation
# - Restart SSH service on target.
# 3. Enable port forwarding.
# 4. Generate 4096 bit letsencrypt cert
# 5. Backup existing cert with datetime suffix
# 6. Copy cert to target
# 7. Restart target services
# 8. Remove port forwarding
## -=[ To-Do ]=-------------------------------------------------------------- ##
# change: PermitRootLogin yes -> PermitRootLogin no
# add: ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
# add: PasswordAuthentication no
## -=[ Functions ]=---------------------------------------------------------- ##
# Usage: status "Status Text"
function status() {
echo -e "\n...${GREEN}$1${RESTORE}...\n"
# Usage: input "Prompt Text" "Variable Name"
function input() {
echo -en "\n...${GREEN}$1${RESTORE}: "
read $2
echo -e ""
function pressanykey(){
echo -en "\n...${GREEN}$1. Press any key to continue.${RESTORE}..."
read -r -p "" -n 1
## ---------------------------=[ Script Start ]=----------------------------- ##
# Importing Variables
status "Importing Variables"
# Read ESXiHost
input "Enter the FQDN for the certificate/host in host.domain.tld format" "ESXiHost"
# Read Email
input "Enter the email for confirmation & renewal notifications" "Email"
# Read ESXiUser
input "Enter ESXi target admin username" "ESXiUser"
# Prompt user to confirm/enable SSH on ESXi target
pressanykey "Confirm/Enable SSH access on $ESXiHost."
# Check for existing ssh keys for esxi host
status "Checking for existing ssh keys for $ESXiHost"
if [[ -e ~/.ssh/$ESXiHost'_rsa' ]]
status "Keys for $ESXiHost exist. Continuing"
status "Keys for $ESXiHost not found. Generating 4096 bit keys"
# Generate 4096 bit key for user@target
ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/$ESXiHost'_rsa' -q -N "" -C "$ESXiUser@$HOSTNAME LetsEncrypt"
status "Adding new key to ssh-agent"
# Add key to agent
eval `ssh-agent` && ssh-add ~/.ssh/$ESXiHost'_rsa'
status "Configuring $ESXiHost for ssh access"
# Store key as variable
pubkey=`cat ~/.ssh/$ESXiHost''`
# Create directory for authorized user, copy key to target, set permissions,
# and restart ssh service on target.
ssh $ESXiUser@$ESXiHost "mkdir -p /etc/ssh/keys-$ESXiUser &&
echo $pubkey > /etc/ssh/keys-$ESXiUser/authorized_keys &&
chmod 700 -R /etc/ssh/keys-$ESXiUser &&
chmod 600 /etc/ssh/keys-$ESXiUser/authorized_keys &&
chown -R $ESXiUser /etc/ssh/keys-$ESXiUser &&
/etc/init.d/SSH restart"
# Enable UPnP http(s) port forward for requesting device
status "Enabling http(s) port forwarding to client for letsencrypt verification"
upnpc -e "letsencrypt http" -r 80 tcp
upnpc -e "letsencrypt https" -r 443 tcp
# Acquire letsencrypt cert
status "Requesting 4096 bit certificate for $ESXiHost"
sudo certbot certonly --standalone --preferred-challenges tls-sni --agree-tos -m $Email -d $ESXiHost --rsa-key-size 4096
# Backup existing SSL components on ESXi target
status "Backing up existing certificates on $ESXiHost"
time=$(date +%Y.%m.%d_%H:%M:%S)
ssh $ESXiUser@$ESXiHost "cp /etc/vmware/ssl/castore.pem /etc/vmware/ssl/castore.pem.back.$time"
ssh $ESXiUser@$ESXiHost "cp /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.crt /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.crt.back.$time"
ssh $ESXiUser@$ESXiHost "cp /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.key /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.key.back.$time"
# Copy letsencrypt cert to ESXi target
status "Coping letsencrypt cert to $ESXiHost"
sudo scp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$ESXiHost/fullchain.pem $ESXiUser@$ESXiHost:/etc/vmware/ssl/castore.pem
sudo scp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$ESXiHost/cert.pem $ESXiUser@$ESXiHost:/etc/vmware/ssl/rui.crt
sudo scp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$ESXiHost/privkey.pem $ESXiUser@$ESXiHost:/etc/vmware/ssl/rui.key
# Restart services on ESXi target
status "Restarting services on $ESXiHost"
ssh $ESXiUser@$ESXiHost " restart"
# Disable UPnP http(s) port forward
status "Removing http(s) port forwarding"
upnpc -d 80 tcp
upnpc -d 443 tcp
# Prompt user to confirm/disable SSH on ESXi target
pressanykey "Remember to disable SSH service on $ESXiHost"
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