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Forked from aminone/
Last active March 15, 2021 10:27
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A collection of Android Debug Bridge (ADB) commands
# To get file
adb pull <PATH/TO/FILE/ON/DEVICE> #This pulls the file from the device to the directory from which the command is being executed
# To push file
# To get wifi MAC address
adb shell cat /sys/class/net/wlan0/address
# To get IP Address
adb shell netcfg
# To connect over wifi address
adb tcpip [PORT]
adb connect [IP:PORT]
# To reboot device
adb reboot
# To shutdown device
adb shell reboot -p
# To set timezone
adb shell setprop persist.sys.timezone "Asia/Tehran"
# To get timezone
adb shell getprop persist.sys.timezone
# To get all prop
adb shell getprop
# To take a screenshot of a device display.
adb shell screencap /sdcard/screen.png
# Recording the display of devices running Android 4.4 (API level 19) and higher.
adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/demo.mp4
adb shell screenrecord --size <WIDTHxHEIGHT>
adb shell screenrecord --bit-rate <RATE>
adb shell screenrecord --time-limit <TIME> #Time in seconds, max=180
adb shell screenrecord --rotate #Rotates the output 90 degrees. This feature is experimental.
adb shell screenrecord --verbose
# To change screen size (on nexus 10 for example)
adb shell wm size 1280x800 or whatever size or reset
adb shell wm density 480 or whatever density or reset
### Logcat
# lowest priority, filter to only show Verbose level
adb logcat *:V
# filter to only show Debug level
adb logcat *:D
# filter to only show Info level
adb logcat *:I
# filter to only show Warning level
adb logcat *:W
# filter to only show Error level
adb logcat *:E
# filter to only show Fatal level
adb logcat *:F
# Silent, highest priority, on which nothing is ever printed
adb logcat *:S
## adb logcat -b <Buffer>
# default
adb logcat -b main
# View the buffer that contains radio/telephony related messages.
adb logcat -b radio
# View the buffer containing events-related messages.
adb logcat -b event
# Clears the entire log and exits.
adb logcat -c
# Dumps the log to the screen and exits.
adb logcat -d
# Writes log message output to test.logs.
adb logcat -f test.logs
# Prints the size of the specified log buffer and exits.
adb logcat -g
# Sets the maximum number of rotated logs to <count>. Notes: The default value is 4. Requires the -r option.
adb logcat -n <count>
# Rotates the log file every <kbytes> of output. Notes: The default value is 16. Requires the -f option.
adb logcat -r <kbytes>
#Sets the default filter spec to silent.
adb logcat -s
##adb logcat -v <format>
# Display priority/tag and PID of the process issuing the message (default format).
adb logcat -v brief
# Display PID only.
adb logcat -v process
# Display the priority/tag only.
adb logcat -v tag
# Display the raw log message, with no other metadata fields.
adb logcat -v raw
# the date, invocation time, priority/tag, and PID of the process issuing the message.
adb logcat -v time Display
# Display the date, invocation time, priority, tag, and the PID and TID of the thread issuing the message.
adb logcat -v threadtime
# Display all metadata fields and separate messages with blank lines.
adb logcat -v long
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