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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Save Xethron/cffeb51addad74560f35 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
What Laravel Scopes are made for...
// We had a relationship similar to the one below:
public function currentParameters()
return $this->hasOne('Parameter')->where('active_date', '<=', Carbon::now())->orderBy('active_date', 'DESC');
// This pretty much got the last active parameter for a specific model.
// However, sometimes we wanted to see into the future/past, which wasn't entirely possible.
// Especially if you wanted to eagerload it.
// The Solution:
private parameterDate;
public function currentParameters()
$date = $this->parameterDate ?: Carbon::now();
return $this->hasOne('Parameter')->where('active_date', '<=', $date)->orderBy('active_date', 'DESC');
public function scopeSetParameterDate($query, Carbon $date)
$this->parameterDate = $date;
// Which allowed you to do something in the lines of:
Model::setParameterDate(Carbon::parse('16 Feb 1990'))->with('currentParameters')->where(.......)->get();
// Result = Sexy ^^
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