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Xin (Simon) Dong XinDongol

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nasimrahaman /
Last active November 16, 2023 04:54
Pytorch instance-wise weighted cross-entropy loss
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
def log_sum_exp(x):
# See implementation detail in
# b is a shift factor. see link.
# x.size() = [N, C]:
b, _ = torch.max(x, 1)
bkj /
Last active April 28, 2022 07:12
pytorch lifted loss
#!/usr/bin/env python
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
yrevar / imagenet1000_clsidx_to_labels.txt
Last active February 9, 2025 13:22
text: imagenet 1000 class idx to human readable labels (Fox, E., & Guestrin, C. (n.d.). Coursera Machine Learning Specialization.)
{0: 'tench, Tinca tinca',
1: 'goldfish, Carassius auratus',
2: 'great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man-eating shark, Carcharodon carcharias',
3: 'tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvieri',
4: 'hammerhead, hammerhead shark',
5: 'electric ray, crampfish, numbfish, torpedo',
6: 'stingray',
7: 'cock',
8: 'hen',
9: 'ostrich, Struthio camelus',
craffel /
Created January 10, 2015 04:59
Draw a neural network diagram with matplotlib!
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def draw_neural_net(ax, left, right, bottom, top, layer_sizes):
Draw a neural network cartoon using matplotilb.
>>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
>>> draw_neural_net(fig.gca(), .1, .9, .1, .9, [4, 7, 2])