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XiwuChen XiwuChen

  • Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Beijing, China
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peteflorence /
Last active November 18, 2024 06:10
Bilinear interpolation in PyTorch, and benchmarking vs. numpy

Here's a simple implementation of bilinear interpolation on tensors using PyTorch.

I wrote this up since I ended up learning a lot about options for interpolation in both the numpy and PyTorch ecosystems. More generally than just interpolation, too, it's also a nice case study in how PyTorch magically can put very numpy-like code on the GPU (and by the way, do autodiff for you too).

For interpolation in PyTorch, this open issue calls for more interpolation features. There is now a nn.functional.grid_sample() feature but at least at first this didn't look like what I needed (but we'll come back to this later).

In particular I wanted to take an image, W x H x C, and sample it many times at different random locations. Note also that this is different than upsampling which exhaustively samples and also doesn't give us fle

ryerh / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Last active February 27, 2025 17:02 — forked from MohamedAlaa/tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Tmux 快捷键 & 速查表 & 简明教程

注意:本文内容适用于 Tmux 2.3 及以上的版本,但是绝大部分的特性低版本也都适用,鼠标支持、VI 模式、插件管理在低版本可能会与本文不兼容。

Tmux 快捷键 & 速查表 & 简明教程


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