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Created December 15, 2012 19:20
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ADO wrapper for VBA
' ADO Abstraction Class for VBA
' Christopher Harrison
' This is meant for simple, read-only access to an ODBC database (e.g., for
' report writing in Excel, etc.). It constructs parameterised queries, with
' optional varchar parameters (ordered, not named) passed as a collection.
' (SELECT statements, at least, are weakly typed (or can be casted), so using
' strings isn't really a concern.)
' Notes:
' 1. The DSN password is encrypted in memory, for some semblance of security.
' However, so is the encryption key, so don't rely on this!
' 2. Contains code that changes the mouse pointer to a waiting cursor (when
' connecting and fetching data) that isn't necessarily portable between
' applications. The code here is specific to Microsoft Excel.
' Requires:
' * Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library
' Example:
' Dim myDB as dbConnection
' Dim myQuery as String
' Dim myParameters as Collection
' Dim myData as ADODB.Recordset
' Set myDB = New dbConnection
' If myDB.Connect("someDSN", "username", "password") Then
' Debug.Print "Connected to " & myDB.Connected
' myQuery = "select id, name from table where id > ? and id < ?"
' Set myParameters = New Collection
' myParameters.Add "1"
' myParameters.Add "5"
' Set myData = myDB.Query(myQuery, myParameters)
' If Not myData Is Nothing Then
' myData.MoveFirst
' While Not myData.EOF
' Debug.Print myData!id & ": " & myData!name
' myData.MoveNext
' Wend
' Set myData = Nothing
' Else
' Debug.Print "No data found"
' End If
' Set myParameters = Nothing
' Else
' Debug.Print "Cannot connect"
' End If
' Set myDB = Nothing
Private pDSN As String
Private pUsername As String
Private pXPassword As String
Private pKey As String
Private DB As ADODB.Connection
Private Sub WaitPointer(ByVal Busy As Boolean)
' Application specific
If Busy Then
Application.Cursor = xlWait ' Excel
' DoCmd.Hourglass True ' Access
Application.Cursor = xlDefault ' Excel
' DoCmd.Hourglass False ' Access
End If
End Sub
Public Property Get Connected() As Variant
If DB.State = adStateOpen Then Connected = pUsername & "@" & pDSN Else Connected = False
End Property
Public Function Connect(ByVal DSN As String, ByVal Username As String, ByVal Password As String) As Boolean
pUsername = Username
pXPassword = XorC(Password, pKey)
WaitPointer True
Connect = dbOpen
WaitPointer False
End Function
Public Function Query(ByVal QuerySQL As String, Optional Parameters As Variant) As ADODB.Recordset
Dim dbQuery As ADODB.Command
Dim Parameter As ADODB.Parameter
Dim Output As ADODB.Recordset
Dim param As Variant
If DB.State <> adStateOpen Then
Set Query = Nothing
WaitPointer True
Set dbQuery = New ADODB.Command
dbQuery.ActiveConnection = DB
dbQuery.CommandText = QuerySQL
If Not IsMissing(Parameters) Then
For Each param In Parameters
Set Parameter = dbQuery.CreateParameter(, adVarChar, adParamInput, Len(param), param)
dbQuery.Parameters.Append Parameter
Set Parameter = Nothing
End If
Set Output = New ADODB.Recordset
Output.CursorType = adOpenStatic
Output.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Output.Open dbQuery
If Output.EOF Then
Set Query = Nothing
Set Query = Output
End If
Set Output = Nothing
Set Parameter = Nothing
Set dbQuery = Nothing
WaitPointer False
End If
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
pKey = XorC(Now, Environ("username"))
Set DB = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If Not DB Is Nothing Then
If DB.State = adStateOpen Then DB.Close
End If
Set DB = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function XorC(ByVal Text As String, ByVal Password As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim iPass As Integer
XorC = ""
For i = 1 To Len(Text)
iPass = i Mod Len(Password)
If iPass = 0 Then iPass = Len(Password)
XorC = XorC + Chr(Asc(Mid(Text, i, 1)) Xor Asc(Mid(Password, iPass, 1)))
End Function
Private Function dbOpen() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Set DB = New ADODB.Connection
DB.Open pDSN, pUsername, XorC(pXPassword, pKey)
dbOpen = (DB.State = adStateOpen)
End Function
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