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Created August 30, 2016 14:06
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Setting up the Judge on Windows

Windows 10 Anniversary Update

This is the recommended way to run the DMOJ on Windows, but requires the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) that was added in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. You will need to enable the subsystem before proceeding.

Open Bash by tying bash in command prompt, or running it directly.

We'll need a couple of packages to get started, after which we can begin setting up the judge.

$ sudo apt install git python-dev python-pip
$ sudo pip install cython
$ git clone
$ cd judge
$ sudo python develop

And that's it. You can type dmoj-cli in your shell to check that the CLI executable has been created.

All Other Windows

Instructions for installing on a regular Windows machine are a bit more involved. First, either install git and clone the DMOJ source code as shown in the previous instructions, or just download the zip from and extract it into your preferred directory.

You will need a Python 2.7 installation. Make sure you have cython installed, by running pip install cython. Assuming a command prompt in the judge directory, run:

$ python develop

Unless you have VC2015 correctly configured, the command will fail as it does not succeed in building the necessary sandbox binaries. However, we provide these binaries at for x86 Python and for x64 Python. You can check which version of Python you are running via the first line of the python interpreter. In the example below, we are running a 64 bit Python, so we should download from the x64 folder.

Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec  5 2015, 20:40:30) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

_wbox.pyd goes into dmoj/wbox, and _checker.pyd optionally goes into dmoj/checkers.

Running develop again should succeed, and a dmoj-cli.exe should be placed in C:/Python27/Scripts/. You can try running it to see if it works — you should see a help text if so. Note that the DMOJ Windows judge requires administrator privileges to run: you will need to start cmd.exe as having admin privileges explicitly.

Using the CLI to Test Problems

Now, we need to configure some languages. Still in the judge directory, run:

$ python -u dmoj/executors/

Autoconfig will print out some debug info followed by a YAML declaration for a runtime node. Copy it out and add it to a file called judge.yml.

Running dmoj-cli -c judge.yml should put the judge through selftests. At any point in time, you may add more languages (e.g., through apt in WSL), and then use autoconfig to generate the necessary configuration.

Next, you will need to set a problem_storage_root node to tell DMOJ where to look for problem data.

Setting problem_storage_root to a directory informs the judge to treat the children of its children (its grandchildren) as problem directories. In the example below, /judge/problems/default/helloworld will be treated as a problem folder (so long as it contains an init.yml), while /judge/problems/helloworld will not, even if it does contain an init file.

problem_storage_root: /judge/problems

Running dmoj-cli again will allow you to start submitting problems you have configured via the submit command. Use the help command to get a listing of supported commands. Use <command> --help to get more info on a specific command.

Note for Windows, non-WSL

You will need to set tempdir to a directory accessible by all users. Typically, a folder directly in C:, e.g. C:/judge-temp, suffices. If you would like to further isolate temporary judge data, you can use a virtual hard drive (VHD) and mount it to another letter drive.

The Windows judge will not run without a tempdir set, though you will get cryptic errors.

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