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Last active November 10, 2023 15:19
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import { either } from 'fp-ts';
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function';
import Either = either.Either;
declare global {
interface ErrorConstructor<T extends string = string> extends Error<T> {}
interface Error<T extends string = string> {
readonly tag: T;
new<T extends string>(message?: string): Error<T>;
export const catchSome = <E extends E1, A, E1 extends Error<string>>(
handle: ((error: E) => A),
guard: ((e: E1) => e is E)
) => (ea: Either<E1, A>): Either<Exclude<E1, E>, A> => pipe(
e1 => guard(e1) ? either.right(handle(e1)) : either.left(e1 as Exclude<E1, E>),
class A extends Error<'A'> { public readonly tag = 'A'; }
class B extends Error<'B'> { public readonly tag = 'B'; }
class C extends Error<'C'> { public readonly tag = 'C'; }
class D extends Error<'D'> { public readonly tag = 'D'; }
type Errors = A | B | C | D;
declare const eeee: Either<Errors, string>;
const result: Either<B | C | D, string> = pipe(
error => error.message,
(error: Errors): error is A => error instanceof A,
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