local bind = require("modules.utils.bind") |
local tags = require("modules.utils.tags") |
local clients = require("modules.utils.clients") |
local exec = require("modules.utils.exec") |
local hotkeys_popup = require("awful.hotkeys_popup").widget |
-- Main |
bind.set("root", "Super+Control+r", awesome.restart, "Awesome: reload awesome") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Control+q", awesome.quit, "Awesome: quit awesome") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Return", exec(config.terminal, true), "Awesome: open a terminal") |
bind.set("root", "Super+s", hotkeys_popup.show_help, "Awesome: show help") |
-- bind.set("root", "Super+w", toggleMainMenu, "awesome: show main menu") |
-- Screens |
local screens = require("modules.utils.screens") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Control+j", screens.focus_next_screen, "Screen: focus the next screen") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Control+k", screens.focus_prev_screen, "Screen: focus the previous screen") |
-- Layouts |
local layouts = require("modules.utils.layouts") |
bind.set("root", "Super+l", layouts.inc_master_width, "Layout: increase master width factor") |
bind.set("root", "Super+h", layouts.dec_master_width, "Layout: decrease master width factor") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Shift+h", layouts.inc_master_ammount, "Layout: increase the number of master clients") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Shift+l", layouts.dec_master_ammount, "Layout: decrease the number of master clients") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Control+h", layouts.inc_columns, "Layout: increase the number of columns") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Control+l", layouts.dec_columns, "Layout: decrease the number of columns") |
bind.set("root", "Super+space", layouts.next_layout, "Layouts: select next") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Shift+space", layouts.prev_layout, "Layouts: select previous") |
-- Clients |
local clients = require("modules.utils.clients") |
local awful = require("awful") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Tab", clients.focus_last_client, "Clients: go back") |
bind.set("root", "Super+j", clients.focus_next_client, "Clients: focus next client") |
bind.set("root", "Super+k", clients.focus_prev_client, "Clients: focus prev client") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Shift+j", clients.swap_prev_client, "Clients: swap with next client by index") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Shift+k", clients.swap_next_client, "Clients: swap with previous client by index") |
bind.set("root", "Super+u", awful.client.urgent.jumpto, "Clients: jump to urgent client") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Control+n", clients.restore_minimized, "Client: restore minimized") |
bind.set("client", "Mod4+f", clients.toggle_fullscreen, "Client: toggle fullscreen") |
bind.set("client", "Mod4+Shift+c", clients.kill, "Client: close") |
bind.set("client", "Mod4+Control+space", awful.client.floating.toggle, "Client: toggle floating") |
bind.set("client", "Mod4+Control+Return", clients.move_to_master, "Client: move to master") |
bind.set("client", "Mod4+o", clients.move_to_screen, "Client: move to screen") |
bind.set("client", "Super+t", clients.toggle_ontop, "Client: toggle keep on top") |
bind.set("client", "Mod4+n", clients.toggle_minimize, "Client: minimize") |
bind.set("client", "Mod4+m", clients.toggle_maximize, "Client: (un)maximize") |
bind.set("client", "Super+Control+m", clients.toggle_maximize_vertical, "Client: (un)maximize vertically") |
bind.set("client", "Mod4+Shift+m", clients.toggle_maximize_horizontal, "Client: (un)maximize horizontally") |
bind.set("client", "LMB", clients.raise_through, "Client: raise client") |
bind.set("client", "Super+LMB", clients.mouse_move_client, "Client: move client") |
bind.set("client", "Super+RMB", clients.mouse_resize_client, "Client: resize client") |
bind.set("client_icon", "LMB", clients.raise_through) |
bind.set("client_icon", "RMB", clients.client_menu, "Client: (on titlebar icon) client menu") |
bind.set("client_titlebar", "LMB", clients.mouse_move_client, "Client: (on titlebar) move client") |
bind.set("client_titlebar", "RMB", clients.mouse_resize_client, "Client: (on titlebar) resize client") |
-- Machi |
local machi = require("modules.layout-machi") |
bind.set("root", "Super+;", machi.default_editor.start_interactive, "Layout: machi interactive configuration") |
bind.set("root", "Super+:", function() machi.switcher.start(client.focus) end, "Layout: machi interactive clients management") |
-- Tags |
local awful = require("awful") |
bind.set("root", "MWU", awful.tag.viewnext, "Tag: next tag") |
bind.set("root", "MWD", awful.tag.viewprev, "Tag: previous tag ") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Left", awful.tag.viewprev, "Tag: view previous") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Right", awful.tag.viewnext, "Tag: view next") |
bind.set("root", "Super+Escape", awful.tag.history.restore, "Tag: go back") |
for i = 1, 9 do |
bind.set("root", "Super+#"..i+9, bind.bind(tags.view_tag, i), "Tag: view tag #"..i) |
bind.set("root", "Super+Control+#"..i+9, bind.bind(tags.toggle_tag, i), "Tag: toggle tag #"..i) |
bind.set("root", "Super+Shift+#"..i+9, bind.bind(tags.move_focused_client_to, i), "Tag: move focused client to tag #"..i) |
bind.set("root", "Super+Control+Shift+#"..i+9, bind.bind(tags.toggle_focused_client_on, i), "Tag: toggle focused client on tag #"..i) |
end |
root.keys(bind.get("root", "key")) |
root.buttons(bind.get("root", "button")) |
these are mostly functions to prevent function definition inside the keymap file. For example :
the idea is I've moved them in modules coresponding to their use and simple used them
feel free to make some that you want and if their is cases you specificly want and don't know how to make them, ask then, I will make a separate gist for a collection of thoses functions