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Last active July 4, 2020 09:04
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import glob
import os
from pprint import pprint
from typing import Dict, Any
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS
from PIL.MpoImagePlugin import MpoImageFile
# Exif情報を取得するためのシグネチャ
exif_signature = b'Exif\x00\x00'
# DecompressionBombWarning対策
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 1000000000
if __name__ == '__main__':
root_path = 'E:/整理済/画像/・記念/撮影画像まとめ'
lens_focal_count: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = {} # lens_focal_count[レンズ名][焦点距離] = 回数
# 再帰的に読み込む
for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(root_path, '**', '*.jpg'), recursive=True):
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
# Pillowを使い、焦点距離・メーカー名・メーカーノートを取得する
im: MpoImageFile =
temp: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for tag_id, value in im.getexif().items():
temp[TAGS.get(tag_id, tag_id)] = value
if 'FocalLengthIn35mmFilm' not in temp or 'Make' not in temp or 'MakerNote' not in temp:
focal_length_by_35 = temp['FocalLengthIn35mmFilm']
maker = temp['Make']
maker_note = temp['MakerNote']
# メーカー名に応じた処理を実施する
if maker == 'Panasonic':
# TIFF IFDの読み込み時、オフセット計算に使用する定数を取得する
raw_data =
raw_exif_offset = raw_data.find(exif_signature) + len(exif_signature)
# TIFF IFDを順次読み込み、レンズ名に関わるものを検索する
ifd_count = int.from_bytes(maker_note[12:14], byteorder='little')
for i in range(0, ifd_count):
pointer = 12 + 2 + i * 12
ifd_data = maker_note[pointer:pointer + 12]
tag_id = int.from_bytes(ifd_data[:2], byteorder='little')
if tag_id == 0x51:
# 取得処理を実施
lens_name_length = int.from_bytes(ifd_data[4:8], byteorder='little')
lens_name_offset = raw_exif_offset + int.from_bytes(ifd_data[8:], byteorder='little')
lens_name_bin = raw_data[lens_name_offset:lens_name_offset + lens_name_length]
lens_name = lens_name_bin.decode('ASCII').replace('\0', '')
# Dictに記録する
if lens_name not in lens_focal_count:
lens_focal_count[lens_name] = {}
if focal_length_by_35 not in lens_focal_count[lens_name]:
lens_focal_count[lens_name][focal_length_by_35] = 0
lens_focal_count[lens_name][focal_length_by_35] += 1
# 集計処理を実施
lens_count: Dict[str, int] = {}
all_count = 0
for lens_name, data in lens_focal_count.items():
if lens_name not in lens_count:
lens_count[lens_name] = 0
for focal_length_by_35, count in lens_focal_count[lens_name].items():
lens_count[lens_name] += count
all_count += count
# 結果を出力する
lens_count2 = sorted(lens_count.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for lens_name, count in lens_count2:
print(lens_name, end=',')
print(round(100.0 * count / all_count, 1), end=',')
focal_count = sorted(lens_focal_count[lens_name].items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for focal_length_by_35, count2 in focal_count:
print(f'{focal_length_by_35}mm({round(100.0 * count2 / count, 1)}) ', end='')
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