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Created February 24, 2012 12:08
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Save Yaffle/1900579 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
setTimeout + Page Visibility API
function setVisibleTimeout(callback, delay) {
var id = null,
t = 0,
prefix = '';
'o webkit moz ms'.replace(/\S+/g, function (p) {
if ((p + 'Hidden') in document) {
prefix = p;
function onVisibilityChange(event) {
var now = +new Date(); // event.timeStamp is buggy in FF 10 (in microseconds)
if (document[prefix ? prefix + 'Hidden' : 'hidden']) {
if (id !== null) {
delay = Math.max(0, delay - Math.max(0, now - t)); // defense from now < t if clock jump occured
id = null;
} else {
if (id === null) {
t = now;
id = setTimeout(function () {
id = null;
document.removeEventListener(prefix + 'visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange, false);
setTimeout(callback, 0);
}, delay);
document.addEventListener(prefix + 'visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange, false);
onVisibilityChange({timeStamp: +new Date()});
return (function () {
document.removeEventListener(prefix + 'visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange, false);
if (id !== null) {
id = null;
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