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Last active July 16, 2024 10:58
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Notes on linux, container and kubernetes networking commands and concepts

Scenario 1: only 2 container (red and blue) created

ip link add veth-red type veth peer name veth-blue

ip link set veth-red netns red

ip link set veth-blue netns blue

ip -n red addr add dev veth-red

ip -n blue addr add dev veth-blue

ip -n red link set veth-red up

ip -n blue link set veth-blue up

This is not scalable as you will have to connect every container one by one. E.g assuming you have 4 containers, you will need to create 6 virtual cable in order to allow all containers communicate among each other

Scenario 2: multiple containers created

ip link add v-net-0 type bridge

ip link set dev v-net-0 up

ip link add veth-red type veth peer name veth-red-br

ip link add veth-blue type veth peer name veth-blue-br

ip link set veth-red netns red

ip link set veth-red-br master v-net-0

ip link set veth-blue netns blue

ip link set veth-red-br master v-net-0

ip -n red addr add dev veth-red

ip -n blue addr add dev veth-blue

ip -n red link set veth-red up

ip -n blue link set veth-blue up

Now everytime a container is spinned up, you will only have to create one virtual cable and connect both end to the newly created container and virtual switch(v-net-0 in this case) respectively

Scenario 3: allow communication between virtual bridge and host

ip addr add dev v-net-0 (for the host concern, bridge is just another interface exist on the machine, same as eth0)

Scenario 4: allow communnication between container and WAN (assuming bridge ip is, host ip is and remote machine ip is

ip netns exec blue ip route add via (blue container only know about bridge interface)

ip netns exec blue ip route add default via (route connect to internet)

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE (container ip need to be translated to host ip as remote network have no idea about private network on the host machine)

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --dport 80 -to-destination -j DNAT (use port forward to tell every packet destined to port 80 on host machine is forwarded to the ip assigned to a particular container in this case)

Scenario 5: CNI in kubernetes

CNI is nothing but a network script to perform network task describe above to allow container/pod communictions. The simplified version of script look something like this:

  # Create veth pair
  ip link add ...
  # Attach veth pair
  ip link set ...
  # Assign IP address
  ip addr add ...
  # Bring up interface
  ip link set ... up
  # Delete veth pair
  ip link del ...

kubelet on each node, upon creating a new container, will execute this script based on the configurations below:

--cni-conf-dir=/etc/cni/net.d (CNI configuration)
--cni-bin-dir=/opt/cni/bin (script directory)
./ add <container> <namespace>


aws-node daemonset will install aws-cni binary on /opt/cni/bin. Without this CNI binary, pod cannot be created

Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  13s   kubelet            Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = [failed to set up sandbox container "8466762949e9b04fe446ac14e41c13d91959c5d82f4da94e69f75f70582ec50d" network for pod "test-66dfd4b98f-74v5k": networkPlugin cni failed to set up pod "test-66dfd4b98f-74v5k_default" network: failed to find plugin "aws-cni" in path [/opt/cni/bin], failed to clean up sandbox container "8466762949e9b04fe446ac14e41c13d91959c5d82f4da94e69f75f70582ec50d" network for pod "test-66dfd4b98f-74v5k": networkPlugin cni failed to teardown pod "test-66dfd4b98f-74v5k_default" network: failed to find plugin "aws-cni" in path [/opt/cni/bin]]
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