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Last active November 26, 2018 05:01
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Save Yehonal/bef60c50aa48475b9181d59bd8e353ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This simple script allows you to install AZeroThCore in a single step. From a fresh ubuntu installation to a fully working server where you can play! Demo:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# 0. time: this command is used to print the total time elapsed to install the entire system
# 1. apt-get: install git and screen tools
# 2. git clone: download azerothcore repository and install
# 3. install duel-reset module (it's just an example of how to install a module via our dashboard)
# 4. initialize azerothcore project
# 5. download client data
# 6. run authserver in background
# 7. run worldserver in background
bash -c 'time (\
sudo apt-get -y install git screen \
&& git clone --depth 1 && cd azerothcore-wotlk && "./" \
&& ./ module-install "mod-duel-reset" \
&& ./ init \
&& ./ "client-data" \
&& screen -S authserver -d -m ./ run-authserver \
&& screen -S worldserver -d -m ./ run-worldserver )'
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Yehonal commented Jul 17, 2018

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You should add requirement for OS version, i guess

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