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Customize Django's admin search results view to optionally show a column, with highlighted search term in the results.
This is a fairly specific use-case, where we wanted to search columns on a related model, and present those results in a
sensible way. We wanted this column to only be present if the user is conducting a search, and we wanted to customize the
output to make the search term prominent in the results.
import re
from django.contrib.admin import ModelAdmin
from django.utils import formats
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
class WriterAdmin(ModelAdmin):
# correspondencelog is a related model, notes is a field on that model.
search_fields = ('username', 'correspondencelog__notes')
list_display = ('id', 'username',)
# creates a dynamic function that can be used by the WriterAdmin to populate a column with request-specific content
def make_get_notes_function(self, query):
# this is used to wrap the search term in <b> tags...
search_exp = re.compile('(' + query + ')', re.IGNORECASE)
replace_exp = r'<b>\1</b>'
# this function will get attached to the WriterAdmin, as self.get_notes
def get_notes(obj):
matching_notes = obj.correspondencelog_set.filter(notes__contains='{}'.format(query))
# not a fan of this, would be cooler to use Django's template/context stuff...
notes_text = ''
notes_text_tpl = u'<span class="small date" title="{}">[{}]</span> {}<br/>'
for note in matching_notes:
short_date_string = formats.date_format(note.logged_at, 'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT')
long_date_string = formats.date_format(note.logged_at, 'DATETIME_FORMAT')
formatted_note = re.sub(search_exp, replace_exp, note.notes)
# gah, lots of .format(), sorry...
meta_text = u'By {} at {}'.format(note.logged_by.get_full_name(), long_date_string)
notes_text += notes_text_tpl.format(meta_text, short_date_string, formatted_note)
notes_text = notes_text[:-5] # trim off trailing '<br/>', yech...
return mark_safe(notes_text)
return get_notes
# This function is called early in the request process, and is our hook to update the ModelAdmin on-the-fly...
def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None):
# in this case, we want to customize the search results view...
if request.GET.get('q', None):
# update the self.list_display_value...
self.list_display = self.list_display + ('get_notes',)
# create the function that populates the column...
self.get_notes = self.make_get_notes_function(request.GET['q'])
self.get_notes.short_description = 'Notes'
return super(WriterAdmin, self).changelist_view(request, extra_context)
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