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Fanny Cheung Ynote

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Ynote / active_storage_cheatsheet.rb
Last active January 11, 2023 14:48
Cheat Sheet for Active Storage
# Delete variations when config.active_storage.track_variants = true
# List all variations on a model
# Here, `my_model_attachment_name` refers to the name I give to the attachment with the `:has_one_attached` macro.
# cf.
my_model_attachment_name = "image"
my_model_variations_transformations = MyModel.attachment_reflections[my_model_attachment_name] do |variant_name|
Ynote / factory-bot-cheat-sheet.rb
Created September 4, 2022 13:40
[Rails] Factory bot cheat sheet
# spec/fixtures/usernames.rb
USERNAMES = ['hermione.granger',
Ynote /
Last active November 8, 2020 13:32

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am ynote on github.
  • I am ynote_hk ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBUyKlcxMZ0n0D1EUCtrQuQwe43DWkoWoovrueauglu4go

To claim this, I am signing this object:

class Snail
def initialize(data)
@data = data
@direction = :right
def call
values = []
values << get(x, y) while move
Ynote / mocha-chai-sinon-cheatsheet.js
Last active July 5, 2019 12:05
Personnal cheatsheet for JavaScript tests
// ========== Stubs and mocks ==========
// Using sinon-test and sinon-chai
import chai, { expect } from 'chai'
import sinon from 'sinon'
import sinonChai from 'sinon-chai'
global.chai = chai
global.expect = expect
import isPlainNumber from 'is-plain-number'
import isStringANumber from 'is-string-a-number'
isPlainNumber('42') // true
isStringANumber('42') // true
isPlainNumber('42e4') // false
isStringANumber('42e4') // false
isPlainNumber(42e4) // true
import isPlainNumber from 'is-plain-number'
isPlainNumber('42') // => true
isPlainNumber('42.2') // => true
isPlainNumber('42e4') // => false
isPlainNumber('0x2a') // => false
var value = 42e4 // => 420000
var float = parseFloat(value) // => 420000
return String(float) === String(value)
// => true
// => String(float) => String(420000) => '420000'
// => String(value) => String(420000) => '420000'
var value = '42e4' // => '42e4'
var float = parseFloat(value) // => 420000
return String(float) === String(value)
// => false
// => String(float) => String(420000) => '420000'
// => String(value) => String('42e4') => '42e4'
var value = '4200000000000000000000' // => '4200000000000000000000'
var float = parseFloat(value) // => 4.2e+21
return String(float) === String(value)
// => false
// => String(float) => String(4.2e+21) => '4.2e+21'
// => String(value) => String('4200000000000000000000') => '4200000000000000000000'