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Created February 8, 2016 20:27
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using UnityEngine;
public class SimpleSoundManager:MonoBehaviour {
// Audio source
private AudioSource musicSrc;
private AudioSource effectSrc;
// Instance variable
private static SimpleSoundManager instance;
// Instance
public static SimpleSoundManager I {
get {
if(instance == null && Application.isPlaying) {
// Create container gameobject
GameObject smc = new GameObject("SimpleSoundManagerContainer");
DontDestroyOnLoad(smc); // Persist
// Add sound manager as component
instance = smc.AddComponent<SimpleSoundManager>();
return instance;
// Volume
public float MusicVolume {
get { return musicSrc.volume; }
set { musicSrc.volume = value; }
public float EffectVolume {
get { return effectSrc.volume; }
set { effectSrc.volume = value; }
// Init audio sources
public void Awake() {
// Add audio sources
musicSrc = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
effectSrc = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
// Set volumes
EffectVolume = MusicVolume = 1f;
/*********************** EFFECTS & MUSIC ****************************/
// Single Effect
public void PlayEffectOnce(AudioClip snd) {
// Random Effect from list
public void PlayEffectOnce(AudioClip[] snds) {
if(snds.Length > 0)
PlayEffectOnce(snds[Random.Range(0, snds.Length)]);
// Music
public void PlayMusic(AudioClip snd, bool loop) {
musicSrc.clip = snd;
musicSrc.loop = loop;
public void StopMusic() {
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