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Sylvestre Antoine Yoshyn

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Yoshyn / breach.txt
Created February 25, 2025 09:47 — forked from fawazahmed0/breach.txt
Email and password breach collection list
# Please Note, I am sharing this, hoping this will be used for good public use, such as data analysis, penetration testing etc
# These links are already available all over the internet
# Also Note, Trying to login into someone else's account without their permission is unethical and illegal
# Collection 1
# Collection 2-5 & Antipublic
Yoshyn /
Created July 17, 2017 14:08 — forked from shime/
bake your own code reloader for rails

Let's build our own code reloader for Rails, shall we?

Require dependency problems

Run this inside rails/railties:

$ grep -rn "eager_load_paths" .

You should get the results from Rails::Engine::Configuration and Rails::Engine. As you know, each Rails application is actually a Rails::Engine and Rails::Engine::Configuration is that thing wrapped inside Rails.application.config block.