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Created December 30, 2023 16:50
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Scripting language parity check in Godot class reference
298 code samples failed parity check:
- 1 hits in class "AnimatedSprite2D"
- Codeblocks only has one language in method "set_frame_and_progress" description
- 1 hits in class "AnimatedSprite3D"
- Codeblocks only has one language in method "set_frame_and_progress" description
- 7 hits in class "AnimationMixer"
- Codeblocks only has one language in method "get_root_motion_position" description
- Codeblocks only has one language in method "get_root_motion_position" description
- Codeblocks only has one language in method "get_root_motion_position_accumulator" description
- Codeblocks only has one language in method "get_root_motion_rotation" description
- Codeblocks only has one language in method "get_root_motion_rotation_accumulator" description
- Codeblocks only has one language in method "get_root_motion_scale" description
- Codeblocks only has one language in method "get_root_motion_scale_accumulator" description
- 2 hits in class "Area2D"
- Codeblocks only has one language in signal "area_shape_entered" description
- Codeblocks only has one language in signal "body_shape_entered" description
- 2 hits in class "Area3D"
- Codeblocks only has one language in signal "area_shape_entered" description
- Codeblocks only has one language in signal "body_shape_entered" description
- 8 hits in class "Array"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "all" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "any" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "append_array" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "filter" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "map" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "max" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "reduce" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "sort" description
- 4 hits in class "AStarGrid2D"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "HEURISTIC_EUCLIDEAN" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "HEURISTIC_MANHATTAN" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "HEURISTIC_OCTILE" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "HEURISTIC_CHEBYSHEV" description
- 1 hits in class "BitMap"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "opaque_to_polygons" description
- 4 hits in class "Callable"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "Callable" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "Callable" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "call_deferred" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "unbind" description
- 1 hits in class "CallbackTweener"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "set_delay" description
- 1 hits in class "Camera3D"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "unproject_position" description
- 1 hits in class "CanvasGroup"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "CanvasGroup" description
- 1 hits in class "CanvasItem"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "draw_lcd_texture_rect_region" description
- 1 hits in class "CharFXTransform"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in property "env" description
- 1 hits in class "ConfigFile"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "ConfigFile" description
- 2 hits in class "Control"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in signal "mouse_exited" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_screen_position" description
- 1 hits in class "Curve2D"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "sample_baked_with_rotation" description
- 2 hits in class "Dictionary"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "has" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "has_all" description
- 1 hits in class "DirAccess"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "DirAccess" description
- 15 hits in class "DisplayServer"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_window_at_screen_position" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "global_menu_add_check_item" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "global_menu_add_icon_check_item" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "global_menu_add_icon_item" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "global_menu_add_icon_radio_check_item" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "global_menu_add_item" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "global_menu_add_multistate_item" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "global_menu_add_radio_check_item" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "global_menu_add_separator" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "global_menu_add_submenu_item" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "global_menu_clear" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "screen_get_dpi" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "screen_get_position" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "screen_get_refresh_rate" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "window_set_position" description
- 1 hits in class "EditorDebuggerPlugin"
- Codeblocks only has one language in class "EditorDebuggerPlugin" description
- 3 hits in class "EditorPaths"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_cache_dir" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_config_dir" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_data_dir" description
- 8 hits in class "EditorPlugin"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_get_state" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_get_unsaved_status" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_get_unsaved_status" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_get_window_layout" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_has_main_screen" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_set_state" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_set_window_layout" description
- Codeblocks only has one language in method "add_inspector_plugin" description
- 1 hits in class "EditorResourceConversionPlugin"
- Codeblocks only has one language in class "EditorResourceConversionPlugin" description
- 1 hits in class "EditorResourceTooltipPlugin"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_make_tooltip_for_path" description
- 1 hits in class "FileAccess"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_csv_line" description
- 7 hits in class "float"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator **" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator **" description
- 1 hits in class "Font"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_supported_variation_list" description
- 1 hits in class "FontVariation"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "FontVariation" description
- 1 hits in class "GDScript"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "new" description
- 2 hits in class "GraphEdit"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_is_in_input_hotzone" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_is_in_output_hotzone" description
- 1 hits in class "HTTPClient"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_response_headers_as_dictionary" description
- 3 hits in class "ImageTexture"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "ImageTexture" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "ImageTexture" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "ImageTexture" description
- 2 hits in class "InputEventKey"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in property "key_label" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in property "keycode" description
- 14 hits in class "int"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator %" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator &" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator &" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator **" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator **" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator /" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator /" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator <<" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator >>" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator ^" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator |" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator |" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator ~" description
- 1 hits in class "IP"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_local_interfaces" description
- 1 hits in class "JavaScriptObject"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "JavaScriptObject" description
- 3 hits in class "JSON"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "JSON" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "JSON" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "stringify" description
- 1 hits in class "MobileVRInterface"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "MobileVRInterface" description
- 1 hits in class "MovieWriter"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_handles_file" description
- 2 hits in class "MultiplayerAPIExtension"
- Codeblocks only has one language in class "MultiplayerAPIExtension" description
- Codeblocks only has one language in class "MultiplayerAPIExtension" description
- 7 hits in class "Node"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_get_configuration_warnings" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_node" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_tree_string" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_tree_string_pretty" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "print_tree" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "print_tree_pretty" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "rpc_config" description
- 2 hits in class "NodePath"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "NodePath" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constructor "NodePath" description
- 1 hits in class "NoiseTexture2D"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "NoiseTexture2D" description
- 1 hits in class "NoiseTexture3D"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "NoiseTexture3D" description
- 3 hits in class "Object"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "Object" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_to_string" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "call_deferred" description
- 1 hits in class "OS"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_cmdline_user_args" description
- 1 hits in class "PackedColorArray"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constructor "PackedColorArray" description
- 2 hits in class "PackedDataContainer"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "PackedDataContainer" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "PackedDataContainer" description
- 1 hits in class "PackedDataContainerRef"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "PackedDataContainerRef" description
- 1 hits in class "PackedStringArray"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "PackedStringArray" description
- 1 hits in class "PackedVector2Array"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constructor "PackedVector2Array" description
- 1 hits in class "PackedVector3Array"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constructor "PackedVector3Array" description
- 1 hits in class "PhysicsRayQueryParameters2D"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "create" description
- 1 hits in class "PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "create" description
- 3 hits in class "ProjectSettings"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in property "editor/run/main_run_args" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in property "rendering/vrs/texture" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "globalize_path" description
- 3 hits in class "PropertyTweener"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "as_relative" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "from" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "from_current" description
- 3 hits in class "RandomNumberGenerator"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "RandomNumberGenerator" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in property "seed" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in property "state" description
- 5 hits in class "RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment" description
- 5 hits in class "RegEx"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "RegEx" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "RegEx" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "RegEx" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "RegEx" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "RegEx" description
- 2 hits in class "RenderingDevice"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "compute_list_begin" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "draw_list_begin" description
- 9 hits in class "RenderingServer"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "camera_attributes_set_exposure" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "camera_attributes_set_exposure" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_rendering_info" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_test_texture" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_white_texture" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "multimesh_set_buffer" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "texture_2d_get" description
- Codeblocks only has one language in method "viewport_attach_to_screen" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "viewport_get_render_info" description
- 2 hits in class "Resource"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "_setup_local_to_scene" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "emit_changed" description
- 1 hits in class "ResourceImporterCSVTranslation"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "ResourceImporterCSVTranslation" description
- 1 hits in class "ResourceLoader"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_dependencies" description
- 2 hits in class "RichTextLabel"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "install_effect" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "install_effect" description
- 1 hits in class "SceneTree"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "call_group_flags" description
- 3 hits in class "ScrollContainer"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in property "scroll_horizontal" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in property "scroll_vertical" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "ensure_control_visible" description
- 1 hits in class "Signal"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "connect" description
- 1 hits in class "SkeletonIK3D"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "SkeletonIK3D" description
- 1 hits in class "SpriteFrames"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_frame_duration" description
- 23 hits in class "String"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "bigrams" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "chr" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "format" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "format" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_base_dir" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_basename" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_extension" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_file" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_slice" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "is_subsequence_of" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "is_valid_float" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "is_valid_hex_number" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "is_valid_identifier" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "is_valid_int" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "left" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "num" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "right" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "similarity" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "simplify_path" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "split_floats" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "to_float" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "to_int" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator %" description
- 20 hits in class "StringName"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "bigrams" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "format" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "format" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_base_dir" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_basename" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_extension" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_file" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_slice" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "is_subsequence_of" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "is_valid_float" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "is_valid_hex_number" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "is_valid_identifier" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "is_valid_int" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "left" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "right" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "similarity" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "simplify_path" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "split_floats" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "to_float" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "to_int" description
- 2 hits in class "StyleBoxFlat"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "StyleBoxFlat" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "StyleBoxFlat" description
- 1 hits in class "SyntaxHighlighter"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_line_syntax_highlighting" description
- 2 hits in class "TextServer"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "string_get_character_breaks" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "string_get_word_breaks" description
- 1 hits in class "TextServerDummy"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "TextServerDummy" description
- 1 hits in class "TileMap"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_cell_tile_data" description
- 1 hits in class "TileSetAtlasSource"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "TRANSFORM_FLIP_H" description
- 1 hits in class "TLSOptions"
- Codeblocks only has one language in class "TLSOptions" description
- 2 hits in class "UndoRedo"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "add_do_reference" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "add_undo_reference" description
- 3 hits in class "UPNP"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "UPNP" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "UPNP" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "UPNP" description
- 5 hits in class "Vector2"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "from_angle" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator +" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator -" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator /" description
- 8 hits in class "Vector2i"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator %" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator %" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator +" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator -" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator /" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator /" description
- 4 hits in class "Vector3"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator +" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator -" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator /" description
- 8 hits in class "Vector3i"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator %" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator %" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator +" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator -" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator /" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator /" description
- 6 hits in class "Vector4"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator +" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator -" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator /" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator /" description
- 8 hits in class "Vector4i"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator %" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator %" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator *" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator +" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator -" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator /" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in operator "operator /" description
- 2 hits in class "Viewport"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in property "vrs_texture" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "get_texture" description
- 2 hits in class "VisualShaderNodeColorFunc"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "FUNC_GRAYSCALE" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "FUNC_SEPIA" description
- 9 hits in class "VisualShaderNodeColorOp"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "OP_SCREEN" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "OP_DIFFERENCE" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "OP_DARKEN" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "OP_LIGHTEN" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "OP_OVERLAY" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "OP_DODGE" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "OP_BURN" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "OP_SOFT_LIGHT" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in constant "OP_HARD_LIGHT" description
- 1 hits in class "VisualShaderNodeCustom"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "VisualShaderNodeCustom" description
- 2 hits in class "WebRTCPeerConnection"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "create_data_channel" description
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "initialize" description
- 1 hits in class "WebSocketPeer"
- Codeblocks only has one language in class "WebSocketPeer" description
- 1 hits in class "WebXRInterface"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "WebXRInterface" description
- 1 hits in class "Window"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in signal "files_dropped" description
- 1 hits in class "XRInterface"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in method "set_environment_blend_mode" description
- 1 hits in class "ZIPPacker"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "ZIPPacker" description
- 1 hits in class "ZIPReader"
- Codeblock used in place of codeblocks in class "ZIPReader" description
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