Carlson: “This afternoon, The New York Times ran a story saying that Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz is under federal investigation for playing some role in sex trafficking, and potentially having a relationship with a 17-year-old girl. There are very few details in major news outlets tonight about this story, we have no background on it all, and not even any very informed questions. Instead, we've invited Congressman Gaetz on the show to respond to these stories and give us his view of them. Congressman, thanks so much for coming on. Appreciate it. So, this is obviously a serious allegation. Tell us what the truth is, from your perspective.”
Gaetz: “It is a horrible allegation, and it is a lie. The New York Times is running a story that I have traveled with a 17-year-old woman, and that is verifiably false—people can look at my travel records and see that that is not the case. What is happening is an extortion of me and my family, involving