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Created November 24, 2020 19:41
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Algorithm to solve sudoku puzzles
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:sudoku_solver/constants/enums.dart';
import 'package:sudoku_solver/models/board_square.dart';
import 'package:sudoku_solver/models/position_model.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
class SudokuGrid extends ChangeNotifier {
List<List<BoardSquare>> userBoard;
int width;
int height;
int selectedNumber = 0;
SolveScreenStates solveScreenStates = SolveScreenStates.Idle;
BoardErrors boardErrors = BoardErrors.None;
// Generic constructor
SudokuGrid({this.userBoard, this.width, this.height});
// Named constructor to build a blank board
SudokuGrid.blank(int rowCount, int columnCount) {
this.userBoard = List.generate(
(int row) => List.generate(
(int column) => BoardSquare(position: Position(x: row, y: column), value: 0),
this.width = rowCount;
this.height = columnCount;
SudokuGrid.fromTemplate(List<List<BoardSquare>> templateBoard) {
userBoard = templateBoard;
this.width = 9;
this.height = 9;
// Cycle through each board square and set it's value to 0
void resetBoard() {
userBoard.forEach((row) {
row.forEach((boardSquare) {
boardSquare.value = 0;
this.selectedNumber = 0;
solveScreenStates = SolveScreenStates.Idle;
boardErrors = BoardErrors.None;
set updateUIBoard(List<List<BoardSquare>> board) {
this.userBoard = board;
Future<void> solveButtonPress(List<List<BoardSquare>> board) async {
if (checkLegal(board) == false) {
boardErrors = BoardErrors.Duplicate;
} else {
boardErrors = BoardErrors.None;
solveScreenStates = SolveScreenStates.Loading;
// Create list of ints from board to be passed into compute function
List<List<int>> simpleBoard = List.generate(
(int row) => List.generate(
(int column) => board[row][column].value,
List<List<BoardSquare>> result = await compute(solveBoard, simpleBoard);
if (result != null) {
userBoard = result;
solveScreenStates = SolveScreenStates.Solved;
} else {
solveScreenStates = SolveScreenStates.Idle;
boardErrors = BoardErrors.UnSolvable;
// Get a specific board square given a coordinate
// Currently unused but thought it might be useful
BoardSquare getBoardSquareAtPosition(int x, int y) {
return userBoard[x][y];
void updateSelectedNumber(int newNumber) {
this.selectedNumber = newNumber;
String toString() {
return userBoard[0].toString() +
'\n' +
userBoard[1].toString() +
'\n' +
userBoard[2].toString() +
'\n' +
userBoard[3].toString() +
'\n' +
userBoard[4].toString() +
'\n' +
userBoard[5].toString() +
'\n' +
userBoard[6].toString() +
'\n' +
userBoard[7].toString() +
'\n' +
// Function to fill a given square with numbers 1 - 9 and produce a list of boards
List<List<BoardSquare>> solveBoard(List<List<int>> simpleBoard) {
// Convert int board into list of board squares
List<List<BoardSquare>> board = convertIntToBoard(simpleBoard);
// Flatten the board
List<BoardSquare> flatBoard = board.expand((element) => element).toList();
// Get the position of the next blank space
Position position = getNextEmptySquare(flatBoard);
// Pass the position and board to create new boards
List<List<List<BoardSquare>>> newBoards = createNewBoards(position, board);
// If board is valid add to valid boards, if not, do recursion
for (List<List<BoardSquare>> board in newBoards) {
// First need to make sure they're a legal board
// If legal continue, if not, stop
if (checkLegal(board) == true) {
// See if board is empty
// If empty, iterate. If not the board is complete
if (hasBlanks(board) == false) {
return board;
} else {
List<List<BoardSquare>> unsolvedBoard = solveBoard(List.generate(
(int row) => List.generate(
(int column) => board[row][column].value,
if (unsolvedBoard != null) {
return unsolvedBoard;
// Helper function to find the position of the next empty square
Position getNextEmptySquare(List<BoardSquare> flatBoard) {
BoardSquare square = flatBoard.firstWhere((element) => element.value == 0);
return square.position;
// Helper function to fill a given position with the numbers 1 - 9 and return the list of Boards
List<List<List<BoardSquare>>> createNewBoards(Position position, List<List<BoardSquare>> board) {
// Variable to hold new boards
List<List<List<BoardSquare>>> updatedBoards = [];
// Use position to replace list at given index
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
// Duplicate board
List<List<BoardSquare>> newBoard = createNewBoard(board);
// Update value of new board
newBoard[position.x][position.y].value = i;
// Add new board to list
return updatedBoards;
// Function to check if the board has any blanks. Used to check if board is solved.
bool hasBlanks(List<List<BoardSquare>> board) {
bool noBlanks = true;
// Iterate through the board to see if any value is equal to 0
// If a 0 is found, it means there is still blank spaces
for (List<BoardSquare> row in board) {
noBlanks = row.any((element) => element.value == 0);
return noBlanks;
// Function to check that each sublist has a unique number
bool checkLegal(List<List<BoardSquare>> board) {
List<List<BoardSquare>> subsets = createFullSublist(board);
bool isUnique = true;
for (List<BoardSquare> boardList in subsets) {
List<int> set = [];
// Check if values are unique in a given sublist
// Todo: It would be helpful if the function could highlight the offending square
for (BoardSquare square in boardList) {
if (set.contains(square.value) == true && square.value != 0) {
isUnique = false;
} else {
return isUnique;
// Function to join all sub lists into one big list which can iterated over to check for duplicate numbers
List<List<BoardSquare>> createFullSublist(List<List<BoardSquare>> board) {
List<List<BoardSquare>> combinedList = [];
List<List<BoardSquare>> rows = getSublistOfRows(board);
List<List<BoardSquare>> columns = getSublistOfColumns(board);
List<List<BoardSquare>> threeXThree = getSublistThreeXThree(board);
combinedList = rows + columns + threeXThree;
return combinedList;
// Function to get a list of Rows. This is easy.
List<List<BoardSquare>> getSublistOfRows(List<List<BoardSquare>> board) {
List<List<BoardSquare>> _listOfRows = [];
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
return _listOfRows;
// Function to get a list of Columns. This was harder because it required nested for loops
List<List<BoardSquare>> getSublistOfColumns(List<List<BoardSquare>> board) {
List<List<BoardSquare>> _listOfColumns = [];
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
List<BoardSquare> _listOfBoardSquares = [];
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
return _listOfColumns;
// Function to create list of the small 3x3 grids
List<List<BoardSquare>> getSublistThreeXThree(List<List<BoardSquare>> board) {
List<List<BoardSquare>> _listOfThreeXThree = [];
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i += 3) {
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j += 3) {
List<BoardSquare> _subListOfBoardSquares = [];
_subListOfBoardSquares.add(board[i][j + 1]);
_subListOfBoardSquares.add(board[i][j + 2]);
_subListOfBoardSquares.add(board[i + 1][j]);
_subListOfBoardSquares.add(board[i + 1][j + 1]);
_subListOfBoardSquares.add(board[i + 1][j + 2]);
_subListOfBoardSquares.add(board[i + 2][j]);
_subListOfBoardSquares.add(board[i + 2][j + 1]);
_subListOfBoardSquares.add(board[i + 2][j + 2]);
return _listOfThreeXThree;
// Helper function to create a new board from existing board
List<List<BoardSquare>> createNewBoard(List<List<BoardSquare>> oldBoard) {
List<List<BoardSquare>> newBoard = List.generate(
(int row) => List.generate(
(int column) => BoardSquare(position: Position(x: row, y: column), value: oldBoard[row][column].value),
return newBoard;
// Helper function to convert an ordered list of numbers into a Board
List<List<BoardSquare>> convertIntToBoard(List<List<int>> simpleBoard) {
List<List<BoardSquare>> newBoard = List.generate(
(int row) => List.generate(
(int column) => BoardSquare(position: Position(x: row, y: column), value: simpleBoard[row][column]),
return newBoard;
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