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Created August 10, 2013 13:15
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Adaptative Delta Modulation coding example in Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import array
BYTES = 2 # N bytes arthimetic
MAX = 2 ** (BYTES * 8 - 1) - 1
MIN = - (2 ** (BYTES * 8 - 1)) + 1
CHUNK= 1024
def predictive_adm(samples, deltamax = MAX//21, a = 1):
Encodes audio bytearray data with Adaptative Delta Modulation. Return a
BitStream in a list
Keyword arguments:
samples -- Signed 16 bit Audio data in a byte array
delta - Delta constant of DM modulation. By default it's 1/21 of Max
Sample value
a - Sets Integrator decay value. By default it's 1
raw = array.array('h')
stream = []
integrator = 0
ndeltah = ndeltal = delta = deltamax // 2
lastBits = []
for sample in raw:
# Adapt Delta value
if len(lastBits) >= 1:
if lastBits[-1]:
ndeltah = min(delta*2, deltamax)
ndeltal = max(delta//2, MIN_DELTA)
ndeltah = max(delta//2, MIN_DELTA)
ndeltal = min(delta*2, deltamax)
highval = integrator + ndeltah
lowval = integrator - ndeltal
disthigh = abs(highval - sample)
distlow = abs(lowval - sample)
# Choose integrator with less diference to sample value
if disthigh >= distlow:
integrator = lowval
delta = ndeltal
integrator = highval
delta = ndeltah
# Clamp to signed 16 bit
integrator = max(integrator, MIN)
integrator = min(integrator, MAX)
integrator = round(integrator * a)
return stream
def decode_adm(stream, deltamax = MAX//21, a = 1):
Decodes a Adaptative Delta Modulation BitStream in Signed 16 bit Audio data
in a ByteArray.
Keywords arguments:
stream -- List with the BitStream
delta - Delta constant of DM modulation. By default it's 1/21 of Max
Sample value
a - Sets Integrator decay value. By default it's 1
audio = array.array('h')
integrator = 0
ndeltah = ndeltal = delta = deltamax // 2
lastbits = []
for bit in stream:
if bit:
if len(lastbits) >= 1 and lastbits[-1]:
delta = min(delta*2, deltamax)
elif len(lastbits) >= 1:
delta = max(delta//2, MIN_DELTA)
integrator = integrator + delta
if len(lastbits) >= 1 and lastbits[-1]:
delta = max(delta//2, MIN_DELTA)
elif len(lastbits) >= 1:
delta = min(delta*2, deltamax)
integrator = integrator - delta
# Clamp to signed 16 bit
integrator = max(integrator, MIN)
integrator = min(integrator, MAX)
integrator = round(integrator * a)
# Store last bits
return audio.tobytes()
# Main !
if __name__ == '__main__':
import pyaudio
except ImportError:
print("Wops! We need PyAudio")
import random
import audioop
import wave
import sys
import time
from math import exp, log10
p = pyaudio.PyAudio() # Init PyAudio
wf =[1], 'rb')
print("Filename: %s" % sys.argv[1])
Fm = wf.getframerate()
print("Sample Rate: %d" % Fm)
bits = wf.getsampwidth()
channels = wf.getnchannels()
samples = wf.readframes(wf.getnframes()) # Get all data from wave file
if bits != BYTES: # Convert to Signed 16 bit data
samples = audioop.lin2lin(samples, bits, BYTES)
if bits == 1 and min(samples) >= 0: # It was 8 bit unsigned !
samples = audioop.bias(samples, BYTES, MIN)
if channels > 1: # Convert to Mono
samples = audioop.tomono(samples, BYTES, 0.75, 0.25)
# Normalize at 0.9
maxsample = audioop.max(samples, BYTES)
samples = audioop.mul(samples, BYTES, MAX * 0.9 / maxsample)
# Calc A value
tau = 0.001
a = exp( -1.0 / (tau * Fm))
print("A value = %f, Integrator time constant of %fs" % (a, tau))
# Calc ideal deltamax
deltamax = round(MAX * (1 - a))
print("Delta max value = %d" % deltamax)
# Convert to Delta Modulation
bitstream = predictive_adm(samples, deltamax, a)
# Swap random bits (simulate bit errors)
ERROR_RATE = 0#0.1
BIT_PROB = 0.5
tmp = max(BIT_PROB, 1- BIT_PROB)
print("Error rate %f" % (ERROR_RATE * tmp))
for i in range(len(bitstream)):
if random.random() <= ERROR_RATE:
if random.random() <= BIT_PROB:
bitstream[i] = 0
bitstream[i] = 1
# Reconvert to PCM
audio = decode_adm(bitstream, deltamax, a)
# Play it!
stream =, \
channels=1, rate=Fm, output=True)
data = audio[:CHUNK]
i = 0
while i < len(audio):
i += CHUNK
data = audio[i:min(i+CHUNK, len(audio))]
s = 0.0
n = 0.0
for i in range(min(len(samples), len(audio))):
s = s + samples[i]**2
n = n +(samples[i] - audio[i])**2
in_signal = float(s) / len(samples)
ns_signal = float(n) / len(samples)
snr = in_signal / ns_signal
snr_db = 10 * log10(snr)
print("SNR ratio %f (%f dB) " % (snr, snr_db))
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