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Created October 12, 2016 03:44
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shell script to switch pulseaudio output device
# based on a script from a now deleted askubuntu answer on this question
# the script linked in the answer is still available at though
# dependencies: pulseaudio pacmd awk xargs grep volumeicon
# optional dependencies: zenity (for gui switch)
# this script assumes you are using volumeicon as a tray icon and will restart it on switch
# if you do not use volumeicon you should remove the 2 lines in switch_sink()
function list_sinks()
pacmd list-sinks | grep -E 'index:|name:'
function switch_sink_default()
echo switching default
pacmd set-default-sink $1 || echo failed
function switch_sink_applications()
echo switching applications
pacmd list-sink-inputs |
awk '/index:/{print $2}' |
xargs -r -I{} pacmd move-sink-input {} $1 ||
echo failed
function switch_sink()
switch_sink_default "$@"
switch_sink_applications "$@"
# workaround because volumeicon does not detect a switch of audio output
killall volumeicon 2>/dev/null
(volumeicon &)
# Use a zenity gui to switch audio outputs
function switch_gui()
# get current output id, all output ids and the sink names
current_id=$(pacmd list-sinks | egrep '\* index:' | egrep -o '[0-9]+$')
ids=( $(pacmd list-sinks | egrep 'index:' | egrep -o '[0-9]+$' | tr '\n' ' ') )
names=( $(pacmd list-sinks | egrep 'name:' | egrep -o '\..*>$' | tr -d '>' | tr '\n' ' ') )
zen_pars="--list --radiolist --column '' --column 'ID' --column 'Sink_name'"
# construct the zenity command
for i in "${!ids[@]}"
if [ ${ids[$i]} = $current_id ]; then
zen_pars="$zen_pars TRUE"
zen_pars="$zen_pars FALSE"
zen_pars="$zen_pars ${ids[$i]} ${names[$i]}"
# change the audio sink with the switch_sink function
new_sink_id=$(zenity $zen_pars || echo "")
if [ -n $new_sink_id ]; then
switch_sink $new_sink_id
function help_me()
echo "Usage: $0 [gui|list|<sink name to switch to>]"
case "${1:-}" in
(""|list) list_sinks ;;
([0-9]*) switch_sink "$@" ;;
(gui) switch_gui ;;
(*) help_me ;;
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