Syncopation means an emphasis on a weak beat of a bar of music; most commonly, beats 2 and 4 (and all other even-numbered beats if applicable).
is a line of music, represented as a string, where hashtags #
represent emphasized beats. Create a function that returns if the line of music contains any syncopation.
has_syncopation(".#.#.#.#") ➞ True
# There are Hash signs in the second, fourth, sixth and
# eighth positions of the string.
has_syncopation("#.#...#.") ➞ False
# There are no Hash signs in the second, fourth, sixth or
# eighth positions of the string.
has_syncopation("#.#.###.") ➞ True
# There are Hash signs in the sixth positions of the string.
- All other unemphasized beats will be represented as a dot.