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Created May 2, 2012 09:17
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body {
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<h2>inset box-shadow is not enough</h2>
<div class="bad">
<p>+1 cred swag sartorial, viral small batch semiotics ethical retro bushwick fanny pack dreamcatcher beard selvage. Forage pork belly truffaut occupy cred chillwave pinterest. +1 single-origin coffee fap blog portland, viral sriracha. Organic bespoke fap, 8-bit terry richardson carles blog Austin. Aesthetic mumblecore you probably haven't heard of them truffaut terry richardson, wes anderson dreamcatcher messenger bag. Godard freegan wolf williamsburg shoreditch helvetica hoodie. Cliche viral twee, art party pour-over jean shorts typewriter kogi.</p>
<p>Fixie trust fund messenger bag before they sold out post-ironic swag seitan forage, photo booth dreamcatcher helvetica organic direct trade. Mumblecore echo park seitan, lo-fi mlkshk pork belly etsy. Readymade williamsburg messenger bag, DIY beard high life artisan portland before they sold out farm-to-table twee typewriter fingerstache tumblr VHS. Art party +1 VHS, truffaut 8-bit vegan cardigan terry richardson jean shorts chillwave food truck kale chips whatever four loko post-ironic. Vinyl mcsweeney's mumblecore authentic keytar. American apparel cred before they sold out, fixie viral messenger bag pork belly quinoa hoodie artisan mlkshk mcsweeney's fanny pack. You probably haven't heard of them yr iphone twee raw denim.</p>
<p>Beard letterpress umami, brunch fap chillwave wayfarers bushwick dreamcatcher pork belly tofu. Thundercats selvage freegan single-origin coffee master cleanse, cred whatever mustache lo-fi banksy jean shorts. Dreamcatcher pork belly readymade raw denim organic, mustache squid. Photo booth bicycle rights trust fund small batch, salvia pickled hoodie. Flexitarian keffiyeh terry richardson, chillwave yr dreamcatcher retro. American apparel polaroid direct trade, wolf blog yr farm-to-table iphone scenester typewriter. Twee raw denim viral retro, +1 etsy photo booth PBR street art keytar jean shorts DIY 8-bit pitchfork bushwick.</p>
<p>Put a bird on it you probably haven't heard of them banksy raw denim. Small batch post-ironic street art, fixie Austin odd future iphone kale chips vice stumptown before they sold out vinyl terry richardson organic tattooed. Austin salvia ethical lomo mustache. Artisan gluten-free twee, authentic pop-up hella occupy odd future readymade. Wes anderson cosby sweater terry richardson, fanny pack pop-up occupy mlkshk bespoke truffaut gastropub quinoa food truck cliche typewriter salvia. Squid art party synth vinyl retro, +1 vegan mustache pickled. Direct trade raw denim fingerstache, viral gastropub 3 wolf moon swag.</p>
<h2>We can't do this for instance (without extra markup & hacks)</h2>
<div class="good">
<p>+1 cred swag sartorial, viral small batch semiotics ethical retro bushwick fanny pack dreamcatcher beard selvage. Forage pork belly truffaut occupy cred chillwave pinterest. +1 single-origin coffee fap blog portland, viral sriracha. Organic bespoke fap, 8-bit terry richardson carles blog Austin. Aesthetic mumblecore you probably haven't heard of them truffaut terry richardson, wes anderson dreamcatcher messenger bag. Godard freegan wolf williamsburg shoreditch helvetica hoodie. Cliche viral twee, art party pour-over jean shorts typewriter kogi.</p>
<p>Fixie trust fund messenger bag before they sold out post-ironic swag seitan forage, photo booth dreamcatcher helvetica organic direct trade. Mumblecore echo park seitan, lo-fi mlkshk pork belly etsy. Readymade williamsburg messenger bag, DIY beard high life artisan portland before they sold out farm-to-table twee typewriter fingerstache tumblr VHS. Art party +1 VHS, truffaut 8-bit vegan cardigan terry richardson jean shorts chillwave food truck kale chips whatever four loko post-ironic. Vinyl mcsweeney's mumblecore authentic keytar. American apparel cred before they sold out, fixie viral messenger bag pork belly quinoa hoodie artisan mlkshk mcsweeney's fanny pack. You probably haven't heard of them yr iphone twee raw denim.</p>
<p>Beard letterpress umami, brunch fap chillwave wayfarers bushwick dreamcatcher pork belly tofu. Thundercats selvage freegan single-origin coffee master cleanse, cred whatever mustache lo-fi banksy jean shorts. Dreamcatcher pork belly readymade raw denim organic, mustache squid. Photo booth bicycle rights trust fund small batch, salvia pickled hoodie. Flexitarian keffiyeh terry richardson, chillwave yr dreamcatcher retro. American apparel polaroid direct trade, wolf blog yr farm-to-table iphone scenester typewriter. Twee raw denim viral retro, +1 etsy photo booth PBR street art keytar jean shorts DIY 8-bit pitchfork bushwick.</p>
<p>Put a bird on it you probably haven't heard of them banksy raw denim. Small batch post-ironic street art, fixie Austin odd future iphone kale chips vice stumptown before they sold out vinyl terry richardson organic tattooed. Austin salvia ethical lomo mustache. Artisan gluten-free twee, authentic pop-up hella occupy odd future readymade. Wes anderson cosby sweater terry richardson, fanny pack pop-up occupy mlkshk bespoke truffaut gastropub quinoa food truck cliche typewriter salvia. Squid art party synth vinyl retro, +1 vegan mustache pickled. Direct trade raw denim fingerstache, viral gastropub 3 wolf moon swag.</p>
<h2>Or this fancy thing</h2>
<div class="good fancy">
<p>+1 cred swag sartorial, viral small batch semiotics ethical retro bushwick fanny pack dreamcatcher beard selvage. Forage pork belly truffaut occupy cred chillwave pinterest. +1 single-origin coffee fap blog portland, viral sriracha. Organic bespoke fap, 8-bit terry richardson carles blog Austin. Aesthetic mumblecore you probably haven't heard of them truffaut terry richardson, wes anderson dreamcatcher messenger bag. Godard freegan wolf williamsburg shoreditch helvetica hoodie. Cliche viral twee, art party pour-over jean shorts typewriter kogi.</p>
<p>Fixie trust fund messenger bag before they sold out post-ironic swag seitan forage, photo booth dreamcatcher helvetica organic direct trade. Mumblecore echo park seitan, lo-fi mlkshk pork belly etsy. Readymade williamsburg messenger bag, DIY beard high life artisan portland before they sold out farm-to-table twee typewriter fingerstache tumblr VHS. Art party +1 VHS, truffaut 8-bit vegan cardigan terry richardson jean shorts chillwave food truck kale chips whatever four loko post-ironic. Vinyl mcsweeney's mumblecore authentic keytar. American apparel cred before they sold out, fixie viral messenger bag pork belly quinoa hoodie artisan mlkshk mcsweeney's fanny pack. You probably haven't heard of them yr iphone twee raw denim.</p>
<p>Beard letterpress umami, brunch fap chillwave wayfarers bushwick dreamcatcher pork belly tofu. Thundercats selvage freegan single-origin coffee master cleanse, cred whatever mustache lo-fi banksy jean shorts. Dreamcatcher pork belly readymade raw denim organic, mustache squid. Photo booth bicycle rights trust fund small batch, salvia pickled hoodie. Flexitarian keffiyeh terry richardson, chillwave yr dreamcatcher retro. American apparel polaroid direct trade, wolf blog yr farm-to-table iphone scenester typewriter. Twee raw denim viral retro, +1 etsy photo booth PBR street art keytar jean shorts DIY 8-bit pitchfork bushwick.</p>
<p>Put a bird on it you probably haven't heard of them banksy raw denim. Small batch post-ironic street art, fixie Austin odd future iphone kale chips vice stumptown before they sold out vinyl terry richardson organic tattooed. Austin salvia ethical lomo mustache. Artisan gluten-free twee, authentic pop-up hella occupy odd future readymade. Wes anderson cosby sweater terry richardson, fanny pack pop-up occupy mlkshk bespoke truffaut gastropub quinoa food truck cliche typewriter salvia. Squid art party synth vinyl retro, +1 vegan mustache pickled. Direct trade raw denim fingerstache, viral gastropub 3 wolf moon swag.</p>
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