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Last active October 19, 2018 08:33
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πŸƒπŸ‰ Run. Here be dragons.
namespace Zegnat\Innertext;
class Innertext
const LF = "\n";
const CRLF = "\r\n";
const BLOCK_START = -1111111111;
const BLOCK_END = -9999999999;
public function __construct()
* @see
public function innerText(\DOMNode $node): string
* Step 1:
* If this element is not being rendered, or if the user agent is a
* non-CSS user agent, then return the same value as the textContent
* IDL attribute on this element.
// Skip: if we are interested in the element we assume it is rendered.
* Step 2:
* Let results be the list resulting in running the inner text
* collection steps with this element. Each item in results will
* either be a JavaScript string or a positive integer (a required
* line break count).
$result = $this->textCollection($node, true);
* Step 3:
* Remove any items from results that are the empty string.
$result = \array_filter($result, function ($item) {
return '' !== $item;
* Step 4:
* Remove any runs of consecutive required line break count items at
* the start or end of results.
$fromstart = true;
$start = 0;
$trailing = 0;
foreach ($result as $resultitem) {
if (\is_int($resultitem)) {
if ($fromstart) {
} else {
} else {
$fromstart = false;
$trailing = 0;
if (0 === $trailing) {
$trailing = null;
} else {
$trailing *= -1;
$result = \array_slice($result, $start, $trailing);
* Step 5:
* Replace each remaining run of consecutive required line break count
* items with a string consisting of as many U+000A LINE FEED (LF)
* characters as the maximum of the values in the required line break
* count items.
$temp_result = [];
$breaks = 0;
foreach ($result as $resultitem) {
if (\is_int($resultitem)) {
$breaks = \max($breaks, $resultitem);
} else {
if (0 !== $breaks) {
$temp_result[] = \str_repeat("\n", $breaks);
$breaks = 0;
$temp_result[] = $resultitem;
$result = $temp_result;
* Step 6:
* Return the concatenation of the string items in results.
return \implode('', $result);
* @see
private function textCollection(\DOMNode $node, bool $outer = false, bool $pre = false): array
* Step 0:
* Check wether current node toggle white-space pre.
if (true === \in_array(\strtolower($node->nodeName), [
])) {
$pre = true;
* Step 1:
* Let items be the result of running the inner text collection steps
* with each child node of node in tree order, and then concatenating
* the results to a single list.
$items = [];
// WARNING: PHP DOMText returns null on childNodes, going against what
// is specified for DOMNote.
if (false === $node instanceof \DOMText) {
foreach ($node->childNodes as $childNode) {
$items = \array_merge($items, $this->textCollection($childNode, false, $pre));
* Step 2:
* If node's computed value of 'visibility' is not 'visible', then
* return items.
// Skip: almost no elements have a default special visibility style.
* Step 3:
* If node is not being rendered, then return items. For the purpose
* of this step, the following elements must act as described if the
* computed value of the 'display' property is not 'none':
* * select elements have an associated non-replaced inline CSS box
* whose child boxes include only those of optgroup and option
* element child nodes;
* * optgroup elements have an associated non-replaced block-level CSS
* box whose child boxes include only those of option element child
* nodes; and
* * option element have an associated non-replaced block-level CSS
* box whose child boxes are as normal for non-replaced block-level
* CSS boxes.
if (false === $outer && false === $node instanceof \DOMText && false === $this->isBeingRendered($node)) {
// If a node is not being rendered, by definition its child nodes
// are not being rendered. Should be safe to return empty $items.
return [];
* Step 4:
* If node is a Text node, then for each CSS text box produced by
* node, in content order, compute the text of the box after
* application of the CSS 'white-space' processing rules and
* 'text-transform' rules, set items to the list of the resulting
* strings, and return items. The CSS 'white-space' processing rules
* are slightly modified: collapsible spaces at the end of lines are
* always collapsed, but they are only removed if the line is the last
* line of the block, or it ends with a br element. Soft hyphens
* should be preserved.
if (XML_TEXT_NODE === $node->nodeType) {
// Add the text as a single item to its container element’s list.
return [$node->textContent];
* Step 5:
* If node is a br element, then append a string containing a single
* U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character to items.
// NOTE: We mark this as a separate block context as it should not
// have further whitespace processing applied to it!
if ('br' === \strtolower($node->nodeName)) {
return [
* Step 6:
// @TODO
* Step 7:
// @TODO
* Step 8:
* If node is a p element, then append 2 (a required line break count)
* at the beginning and end of items.
if ('p' === \strtolower($node->nodeName)) {
\array_unshift($items, 2);
$items[] = 2;
* Step 9:
* If node's used value of 'display' is block-level or
* 'table-caption', then append 1 (a required line break count) at the
* beginning and end of items.
if ($this->isBlockLevel($node) || 'caption' === \strtolower($node->nodeName)) {
\array_unshift($items, 1);
$items[] = 1;
* Step 9.5:
* 1. Merge all consecutive string values,
* 2. normalise whitespace within the resulting strings,
* 3. add block markers around the list.
if (true === $outer || $this->isBlockLevel($node)) {
$tmp_items = [];
$tmp_string = null;
$innerblock = 0;
foreach ($items as $item) {
// If there is a string in memory, and a non string item is
// found, append the string to our new items and clear it.
if (null !== $tmp_string && false === \is_string($item)) {
if (true === $pre) {
// If we are in a element that has white-space pre,
// skip all whitespace processing.
$new_items[] = $tmp_string;
} else {
$new_items[] = $this->normaliseWhitespace($tmp_string);
$tmp_string = null;
// Nested block starts, up our counter.
if (self::BLOCK_START === $item) {
// If we are in a nested block, just put everything through.
if (0 < $innerblock) {
// Nested block ends here, decrease our counter.
if (self::BLOCK_END === $item) {
$new_items[] = $item;
// Next item.
// We are looking at an item inside the current block.
if (\is_string($item)) {
// Append any consecutive strings.
$tmp_string .= $item;
} else {
// Not a string. Probably a required line break, pass through.
$new_items[] = $item;
$items = $new_items;
\array_unshift($items, self::BLOCK_START);
$items[] = self::BLOCK_END;
* Step 10:
* Return items.
return $items;
* @see
private function normaliseWhitespace(string $string): string
// Normalise CRLF to LF first. We treat CRLF as a segment break,
// meaning they will be transformed anyway. Doing it first saves on
// some edge-case matching.
$string = \str_replace(self::CRLF, self::LF, $string);
* Step 1:
* All spaces and tabs immediately preceding or following a segment
* break are removed.
$string = \preg_replace('@[ \t]*\n[ \t]*@', self::LF, $string);
* Step 2:
* Segment breaks are transformed for rendering according to the
* segment break transformation rules.
* (See 4.1.2).
* As with spaces, any collapsible segment break immediately following
* another collapsible segment break is removed.
$string = \preg_replace('@\n\n*@', self::LF, $string);
* If the character immediately before or immediately after the
* segment break is the zero-width space character (U+200B), then the
* break is removed, leaving behind the zero-width space.
// PHP 7 has unicode escapes, but older versions do not...
$string = \str_replace(["\xE2\x80\x8B\n", "\n\xE2\x80\x8B"], "\xE2\x80\x8B", $string);
* Otherwise, if the East Asian Width property... NOPE.
* Otherwise, if the content language of... NOPE.
* Otherwise, the segment break is converted to a space (U+0020).
$string = \str_replace("\n", ' ', $string);
* Step 3:
* Every tab is converted to a space (U+0020).
$string = \str_replace("\t", ' ', $string);
* Step 4:
* Any space immediately following another collapsible spaceβ€”even one
* outside the boundary of the inline containing that space, provided
* both spaces are within the same inline formatting contextβ€”is
* collapsed to have zero advance width. (It is invisible, but retains
* its soft wrap opportunity, if any.).
$string = \preg_replace('@ +@', ' ', $string);
* NEW Step 5:
* Remove any leading and trailing spaces (U+0020). Because strings
* have been concatenated within their inline context already they are
* guaranteed to be at the start of a block and imidiately followed by
* a new block (or the end of the document).
$string = \trim($string, ' ');
return $string;
* @see
* @see
* @see
private function isBeingRendered(\DOMNode $node): bool
if (true === \in_array(\strtolower($node->nodeName), [
])) {
return false;
if ($node->hasAttribute('hidden') && 'embed' !== \strtolower($node->nodeName)) {
return false;
if ('input' === \strtolower($node->nodeName) && 'hidden' === \strtolower($node->getAttribute('type'))) {
return false;
if ('dialog' === \strtolower($node->nodeName) && false === $node->hasAttribute('open')) {
return false;
if ('form' === \strtolower($node->nodeName) && true === \in_array(\strtolower($node->parentNode->nodeName), [
])) {
return false;
return true;
* @see
private function isBlockLevel(\DOMNode $node): bool
return \in_array(\strtolower($node->nodeName), [
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