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Last active April 27, 2023 11:05
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  • Save ZenulAbidin/1a4810eb536ad37062c7c2e1f6204a17 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ZenulAbidin/1a4810eb536ad37062c7c2e1f6204a17 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Parses i18n data form CLDR metadata and the local distribution /usr/share/i18n/locales folder.
# Copyright 2023 Ali Sherief
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import re
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def decode_utf8(encoded_string):
decoded_string = ''
thres = 0
for i in range(len(encoded_string)):
if thres > i:
if encoded_string[i] == "<" and'<U[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}>', encoded_string[i:i+7]):
code = encoded_string[i+2:i+6]
code_int = int(code, 16) # convert to base 16
decoded_string += chr(code_int)
thres = i+7
decoded_string += encoded_string[i]
thres = i+1
return decoded_string
def read_locale_file(file_name, language_map, code):
# Set the comment_char and escape_char options
comment_char = '%'
escape_char = '/'
# Read in the given file
with open(file_name) as f:
all_lines = []
line = "1"
while line:
line = f.readline()
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
# Some comment has invalid bytes as the real data
# is only supposed to be in ASCII - just ignore it
# Variables to store the current section and key-values
current_section = ""
kv_pairs = {"" : {}}
continue_line = False
# Iterate through all the lines
for line in all_lines:
line = line.replace('\t', ' ')
line = decode_utf8(line.strip())
# If the line starts with the comment character, blank,
# or an END directive (e.g. END LC_MESSAGES), ignore it
if line == '' or line.startswith("END") or not continue_line and line.startswith(comment_char):
elif continue_line:
if line[-1] == escape_char:
continue_line = True
line = line[:-1]
continue_line = False
value = line.replace('//', '/').split(';')
kv_pairs[current_section][key] += [v for v in value if v != '']
elif line.count(' ') > 0:
key = line.split(' ')[0]
value = line[len(key)+1:]
# check for escape char (except for the escape_char key)
if len(value) > 0 and value[-1] == escape_char and key != "escape_char":
continue_line = True
value = value[:-1]
continue_line = False
# Strip any whitespace
key = key.strip()
value = value.strip().replace('//', '/').split(';')
# Add it to the dict
if key in kv_pairs[current_section].keys():
kv_pairs[current_section][key] += [v for v in value if v != '']
kv_pairs[current_section][key] = [v for v in value if v != '']
# The line is a section header
# Get the section name
current_section = line.strip()
kv_pairs[current_section] = {}
language_map[code]["locale_info"] = kv_pairs
# STOP! Don't just return here, we need to make sure that LC_TIME fields are filled.
if "copy" in kv_pairs["LC_TIME"].keys():
ref_code = kv_pairs["LC_TIME"]["copy"][0].replace('"', '')
language_map[ref_code] = {}
language_map = read_locale_file("/usr/share/i18n/locales/{}".format(ref_code), language_map, ref_code)
# Will it work?
language_map[code]["locale_info"]["LC_TIME"] = language_map[ref_code]["locale_info"]["LC_TIME"]
return language_map
def parse_ldml_language_map(file_name):
tree = ET.parse(file_name)
root = tree.getroot()
language_map = {}
for node in root.iter('localeDisplayNames'):
for language in node.iter('languages'):
for name in language.iter('language'):
short_name = name.attrib['type']
if "_" not in short_name:
long_name = name.text
language_map[short_name] = {}
language_map[short_name]["name"] = long_name.upper()
return language_map
def parse_ldml_locales(language_map, file_name, iso_code):
tree = ET.parse(file_name)
root = tree.getroot()
months_long = {}
months_short = {}
weeks_long = {}
weeks_short = {}
for node in root.iter('dates'):
for node in node.find('calendars').iter('calendar'):
calendar_name = node.attrib['type']
if calendar_name == 'gregorian': # we only support gregorian calendars for now
for month_node in node.iter('months'):
for month in month_node.iter('monthContext'):
month_name = month.attrib['type']
if month_name == 'format':
for names in month.iter('monthWidth'):
name_type = names.attrib['type']
if name_type == 'wide':
for name in names.iter('month'):
month_string = name.attrib['type']
months_long[month_string] = name.text
elif name_type == 'abbreviated':
for name in names.iter('month'):
month_string = name.attrib['type']
months_short[month_string] = name.text
for week_node in node.iter('days'):
for week in week_node.iter('dayContext'):
week_name = week.attrib['type']
if week_name == 'format':
for names in week.iter('dayWidth'):
name_type = names.attrib['type']
if name_type == 'wide':
for name in names.iter('month'):
month_string = name.attrib['type']
months_long[month_string] = name.text
elif name_type == 'abbreviated':
for name in names.iter('month'):
month_string = name.attrib['type']
months_short[month_string] = name.text
for week_node in node.iter('days'):
for week in week_node.iter('dayContext'):
week_name = week.attrib['type']
if week_name == 'format':
for names in week.iter('dayWidth'):
name_type = names.attrib['type']
if name_type == 'wide':
for name in names.iter('day'):
week_string = name.attrib['type']
weeks_long[week_string] = name.text
elif name_type == 'abbreviated':
for name in names.iter('day'):
week_string = name.attrib['type']
weeks_short[week_string] = name.text
language_map[iso_code]["months_long"] = months_long
language_map[iso_code]["months_short"] = months_short
language_map[iso_code]["weeks_long"] = weeks_long
language_map[iso_code]["weeks_short"] = weeks_short
return language_map
def print_xdatetime_macros(language_map):
print("// You must define an X_DATETIME_ONLY_LOCALE_* macro, which is only read if you don't want locales.")
print("// English is set by default in the event that locales are disabled - which are also enabled by default.")
print("// This means if you want to disable the English locale, you must undefine this macro before including this file.")
print("#ifndef X_DATETIME_NO_LOCALES")
for code, language in language_map.items():
if "months_long" not in language.keys() or ("months_long" in language.keys() and len(language["months_long"]) == 0) or \
"months_short" not in language.keys() or ("months_short" in language.keys() and len(language["months_short"]) == 0) or \
"weeks_long" not in language.keys() or ("weeks_long" in language.keys() and len(language["weeks_long"]) == 0) or \
"weeks_short" not in language.keys() or ("weeks_short" in language.keys() and len(language["weeks_short"]) == 0):
name = language["name"]
name = name.replace(',', '_')
name = name.replace(' ', '_')
name = name.replace('-', '_')
for identifier, data in language["months_long"].items():
print(" data.long_months[\"{}\"][\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, identifier, data))
print("") # empty line
for identifier, data in language["months_short"].items():
print(" data.short_months[\"{}\"][\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, identifier, data))
for identifier, data in language["weeks_long"].items():
print(" data.long_weeks[\"{}\"][\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, identifier, data))
for identifier, data in language["weeks_short"].items():
print(" data.short_months[\"{}\"][\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, identifier, data))
print("\n") # two empty lines
for code, language in language_map.items():
if "months_long" not in language.keys() or ("months_long" in language.keys() and len(language["months_long"]) == 0) or \
"months_short" not in language.keys() or ("months_short" in language.keys() and len(language["months_short"]) == 0) or \
"weeks_long" not in language.keys() or ("weeks_long" in language.keys() and len(language["weeks_long"]) == 0) or \
"weeks_short" not in language.keys() or ("weeks_short" in language.keys() and len(language["weeks_short"]) == 0):
name = language["name"]
name = name.replace(',', '_')
name = name.replace(' ', '_')
name = name.replace('-', '_')
print("#ifdef X_DATETIME_ONLY_LOCALE_{}".format(name))
for identifier, data in language["months_long"].items():
print(" data.long_months[\"{}\"][\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, identifier, data))
print("") # empty line
for identifier, data in language["months_short"].items():
print(" data.short_months[\"{}\"][\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, identifier, data))
for identifier, data in language["weeks_long"].items():
print(" data.long_weeks[\"{}\"][\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, identifier, data))
for identifier, data in language["weeks_short"].items():
print(" data.short_weeks[\"{}\"][\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, identifier, data))
print("\n") # two empty lines
# The collective GNU C library community wisdom regarding abday, day, week, first_weekday, and first_workday states at the following:
# * The value of the second week list item specifies the base of the abday and day lists.
# * first_weekday specifies the offset of the first day-of-week in the abday and day lists.
# * For compatibility reasons, all glibc locales should set the value of the second week list item to 19971130 (Sunday) and base the abday and day lists appropriately, and set first_weekday and first_workday to
# 1 or 2, depending on whether the week and work week actually starts on Sunday or Monday for the locale.
def print_xdatetime_macros2(language_map):
for code, language in language_map.items():
if "locale_info" not in language.keys() or ("locale_info" in language.keys() and len(language["locale_info"]) == 0):
language = language["locale_info"]
name = code.upper()
print("[\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, language["LC_TIME"]["am_pm"][0].replace('"', '')))
print("[\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, language["LC_TIME"]["am_pm"][1].replace('"', '')))
print(" data.date_time_format[\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, language["LC_TIME"]["d_t_fmt"][0].replace('"', '')))
print(" data.date_format[\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, language["LC_TIME"]["d_fmt"][0].replace('"', '')))
print(" data.time24_format[\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, language["LC_TIME"]["t_fmt"][0].replace('"', '')))
if "t_fmt_ampm" in language["LC_TIME"].keys():
print(" data.time12_format[\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, language["LC_TIME"]["t_fmt_ampm"][0].replace('"', '')))
print(" data.time12_format[\"{}\"] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, language["LC_TIME"]["t_fmt"][0].replace('"', '')))
if "week" in language["LC_TIME"].keys():
print(" data.days_in_week[\"{}\"] = {};".format(code, int(language["LC_TIME"]["week"][0])))
print(" data.first_weekday_ref[\"{}\"] = {};".format(code, int(language["LC_TIME"]["week"][1])))
print(" data.first_week_year_min_days[\"{}\"] = {};".format(code, int(language["LC_TIME"]["week"][2])))
print(" data.days_in_week[\"{}\"] = 7;".format(code))
print(" data.first_weekday_ref[\"{}\"] = 11971130;".format(code))
print(" data.first_week_year_min_days[\"{}\"] = 4;".format(code))
if "first_weekday" in language["LC_TIME"].keys():
print(" data.first_weekday[\"{}\"] = {};".format(code, int(language["LC_TIME"]["first_weekday"][0])))
print(" data.first_weekday[\"{}\"] = 1;".format(code))
i = 0
for data in language["LC_TIME"]["mon"]:
print(" data.long_months[\"{}\"][{}] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, i, data.replace('"', '')))
i += 1
print("") # empty line
i = 0
for data in language["LC_TIME"]["abmon"]:
print(" data.short_months[\"{}\"][{}] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, i, data.replace('"', '')))
i += 1
i = 0
for data in language["LC_TIME"]["day"]:
print(" data.long_weekdays[\"{}\"][{}] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, i, data.replace('"', '')))
i += 1
i = 0
for data in language["LC_TIME"]["abday"]:
print(" data.short_weekdays[\"{}\"][{}] = u8\"{}\";".format(code, i, data.replace('"', '')))
i += 1
print("\n") # two empty lines
def print_autogenerated_code(language_map):
print("// Automatically generated by DO NOT MODIFY.\n")
print("#ifndef X_DATETIME_LOCALE_DATA_H")
print("#define X_DATETIME_LOCALE_DATA_H")
print("#include <map>")
print("#include <string>\n")
print("namespace xDateTime {")
print("struct _LocaleData {")
print(" std::map<std::string, std::string> am;")
print(" std::map<std::string, std::string> pm;")
print(" std::map<std::string, std::string> date_time_format;")
print(" std::map<std::string, std::string> date_format;")
print(" std::map<std::string, std::string> time24_format;")
print(" std::map<std::string, std::string> time12_format;")
print(" std::map<std::string, int> days_in_week;")
print(" std::map<std::string, int> first_weekday_ref;")
print(" std::map<std::string, int> first_weekday;")
print(" std::map<std::string, int> first_week_year_min_days;")
print(" std::map<std::string, std::map<int, std::string>> long_months;")
print(" std::map<std::string, std::map<int, std::string>> short_months;")
print(" std::map<std::string, std::map<int, std::string>> long_weekdays;")
print(" std::map<std::string, std::map<int, std::string>> short_weekdays;")
print("_LocaleData InitializeLocaleData() {")
print(" static _LocaleData data;")
print(" static bool initialized = false;")
print(" if (initialized) return data;\n")
print(" initialized = true;")
print(" return data;")
print("std::string GetLocaleLongMonth(const std::string& locale, int key) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return data.long_months[locale][key];")
print("std::string GetLocaleShortMonth(const std::string& locale, int key) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return data.short_months[locale][key];")
print("std::string GetLocaleLongWeekday(const std::string& locale, int key) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return data.long_weekdays[locale][key];")
print("std::string GetLocaleShortWeekday(const std::string& locale, int key) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return data.short_weekdays[locale][key];")
print("std::string GetLocaleAM(const std::string& locale) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return[locale];")
print("std::string GetLocalePM(const std::string& locale) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return[locale];")
print("std::string GetLocaleDateTimeFormat(const std::string& locale) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return data.date_time_format[locale];")
print("std::string GetLocaleDateFormat(const std::string& locale) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return data.date_format[locale];")
print("std::string GetLocaleTime24Format(const std::string& locale) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return data.time24_format[locale];")
print("std::string GetLocaleTime12Format(const std::string& locale) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return data.time12_format[locale];")
print("int GetLocaleDaysInWeeks(const std::string& locale) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return data.days_in_week[locale];")
print("int GetLocaleFirstWeekdayReference(const std::string& locale) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return data.first_weekday_ref[locale];")
print("int GetLocaleFirstWeekOfYearMinDays(const std::string& locale) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return data.first_week_year_min_days[locale];")
print("int GetLocaleFirstWeekday(const std::string& locale) {")
print(" _LocaleData data = InitializeLocaleData();")
print(" return data.first_weekday[locale];")
print("}") # namespace
print("#endif /* X_DATETIME_LOCALE_DATA_H */")
import pprint
def print_locale_info(language_map):
for key, value in language_map.items():
if "locale_info" in value.keys():
for vkey, vvalue in value["locale_info"].items():
if vkey == "LC_TIME":
print(key, "$$$$$$$")
def main():
dir_path = sys.argv[1]
language_map = parse_ldml_language_map(dir_path + '/en.xml')
# search the CLDR first...
for file_name in os.listdir(dir_path):
# Only parse the language files e.g. "en", "es", "fr".
# The language-country files such as en_US do not have language information
# and should be skipped.
if file_name == "root.xml":
if file_name.endswith('.xml') and '_' not in file_name:
language_map = parse_ldml_locales(language_map, dir_path + '/' + file_name, file_name[:-4]) search the OS-specific locales
locales_folder = "/usr/share/i18n/locales"
for file_name2 in os.listdir(locales_folder):
# The OS locales do not have a file extension.
if code in language_map.keys():
language_map = read_locale_file(locales_folder + '/' + file_name2, language_map, file_name2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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