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Created September 6, 2024 08:35
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Number of guesses for various binary search strategies (random targets)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random
from math import log2
# Define the binary search strategies
def choose_straight_middle_left(left_incl, right_incl):
return (left_incl + right_incl) // 2
def choose_straight_middle_right(left_incl, right_incl):
return (left_incl + right_incl + 1) // 2
def choose_right_leaning(left_incl, right_incl):
search_space_size = right_incl - left_incl + 1
log_size = int(log2(search_space_size))
return min(left_incl + 2 ** log_size - 1, right_incl)
def choose_left_leaning(left_incl, right_incl):
search_space_size = right_incl - left_incl + 1
log_size = int(log2(search_space_size))
return max(left_incl, right_incl - 2 ** log_size + 1)
# Simulation parameters
iterations = 100 # number of random targets to test
# Initialize arrays to hold the number of guesses for each strategy
straight_middle_left_counts = []
straight_middle_right_counts = []
right_leaning_counts = []
left_leaning_counts = []
# Simulate for 'iterations' random target numbers
for _ in range(iterations):
target = random.randint(1, 100) # choose a random target number
left_incl = 1
right_incl = 100
# Variables to count guesses for each strategy
straight_middle_left_guess_count = 0
straight_middle_right_guess_count = 0
right_leaning_guess_count = 0
left_leaning_guess_count = 0
# Simulate for straight middle-left strategy
left, right = left_incl, right_incl
while left <= right:
straight_middle_left_guess_count += 1
guess = choose_straight_middle_left(left, right)
if guess == target:
elif guess < target:
left = guess + 1
right = guess - 1
# Simulate for straight middle-right strategy
left, right = left_incl, right_incl
while left <= right:
straight_middle_right_guess_count += 1
guess = choose_straight_middle_right(left, right)
if guess == target:
elif guess < target:
left = guess + 1
right = guess - 1
# Simulate for right-leaning strategy
left, right = left_incl, right_incl
while left <= right:
right_leaning_guess_count += 1
guess = choose_right_leaning(left, right)
if guess == target:
elif guess < target:
left = guess + 1
right = guess - 1
# Simulate for left-leaning strategy
left, right = left_incl, right_incl
while left <= right:
left_leaning_guess_count += 1
guess = choose_left_leaning(left, right)
if guess == target:
elif guess < target:
left = guess + 1
right = guess - 1
# Store the number of guesses for each strategy
# Plotting the results
iterations_range = np.arange(1, iterations + 1)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
# Plot each strategy's guess counts
plt.plot(iterations_range, straight_middle_left_counts, label="Middle Left", marker='o')
plt.plot(iterations_range, straight_middle_right_counts, label="Middle Right", marker='s')
plt.plot(iterations_range, right_leaning_counts, label="Right-Leaning", marker='^')
plt.plot(iterations_range, left_leaning_counts, label="Left-Leaning", marker='x')
# Add labels and title
plt.xlabel("Iteration (Random Target Number)")
plt.ylabel("Number of Guesses")
plt.title("Number of Guesses for Various Binary Search Strategies (Random Targets)")
# Display the plot
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