Glyphs may be the wrong size on non-Firefox browsers, routed gothic may not display
on non-Chromium, Edge, or IE based browsers (I know…). It should look fine on Brave 1.8.95 or Opera 68.0
FontFace should be routed gothic; closest
to gorton modified I could find
Cosmetic Replacements:
№ 0 should be replaced with (U+E102) № 1 should be replaced with (U+E111) № 7 should be replaced with (U+E171) "⸮" should be replaced with ⸮ (horizontally flipped "?") ========================================================== ⌈/⌊ should be printed as vertically flipped "L" ∧/∨ should be printed as vertically flipped "V" ∩/∪/⊂/⊃ should be printed as rotated "U" ⊥/⊤/⊢/⊣ should be printed as rotated "T" ∀/∃ should be printed as vertically flipped "A/E" ⸮ should be printed as horizontally flipped "?"
⌥ + space = (non-breaking space)
All icons should be a similar visual weight; heavy(ish) stroke
⇮ dead key shifts to top right symbol: Z → ɀ (⇧ outputs capital, if possible) (icon not final?)
Ω dead key shifts next keypress to bottom left symbol: Z → ζ (⇧ outputs capital)
Я dead key shifts to next keypress bottom right symbol: Z → з (⇧ outputs captital)
⚿ → [⌥/Ω/Я/⇧] "locks" the key: Shift → CapsLock etc. (icon maybe should be padlock?)
⎀ - Insert
⎉ - Pause/Break
⎋ - Escape
↹ - Tabulate
⌫ - Backspace
⇧ - Right-Shift (icon should be wider, with thicker stroke)
⌘ - Left-Shift? used for extend layer
⎈ - Control
❖ - Windows (OS) key
⎇ - Alt
▤ - Context menu
⏎ - Carriage return (icon should be lower-right-aligned)
⎄ - Compose (could be a high f-key for use with WinCompose,
as it allows custom sequences)
⎆ - Enter
Split spacebar should generate different scancodes, undecided what as of now
⇱ - Home
⇲ - End
⇞ - PageUp
⇟ - PageDown
◁△▽▷ - Cursor keys
Top row (∧ ∨ ∩ ∪ ⊂ ⊃ ∀ ∞ ∃ ∂ ⊥ ⊤ ⊢ ⊣ ⌈ ⌊) are function keys (F1—F16)
Top left keys are media play/pause//volume keys
NumPad AltGr characters should always be capital
All other non-alphanumeric keys should output unicode characters (if possible)
Possible manufacturers
Maybe zodiac signs on fkeys? or these boxes
Possible other colour palettes: