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Last active September 22, 2016 13:08
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MIT- 6.00.1x || week 2 || pset-2 || problem-3
annualInterestRate = 0.2
balance = 320000
# variable for Monthly Interest rate
mir = annualInterestRate / 12.0
pb = balance
#lower bound
lwb = balance /12
#upper bound
upb = (balance*((1+mir)**12))/12.0
#middle bound
mmp = (lwb+upb)/2
# test function
def test():
# minimum monthly payment
global mmp
mmp = (lwb+upb)/2
global pb
pb = balance
for n in range(12):
# monthly unpaid balance
mup = pb - mmp
pb = mup + (mup * mir)
while True:
if pb <= 0 and abs(pb) < mmp:
elif pb < mmp:
lwb = mmp
elif pb > mmp:
upb = mmp
print("Lowest Payment: " + str(round(mmp, 2)))
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