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Forked from thinkerbot/dashboard.xml
Created September 25, 2021 03:50
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Splunk examples
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<label>The Battle Overview</label>
index=thebattle | rex field=uri "/battle/(?<thing>[^?]+)(\?color=(?<color>\w+))?" | eval color=if(isnull(color), "", color) | eval strategy=color.thing | stats count by date_hour, bytes, clientip, strategy
<input type="time">
<default>All time</default>
<title>What it is.</title>
<searchPostProcess><![CDATA[chart sum(count) by strategy]]></searchPostProcess>
<option name="charting.chart">pie</option>
<option name="height">200px</option>
<title>How it happened.</title>
<searchPostProcess><![CDATA[chart sum(count) over date_hour by strategy]]></searchPostProcess>
<option name="charting.chart">line</option>
<option name="height">200px</option>
<searchPostProcess><![CDATA[stats avg(bytes) by clientip]]></searchPostProcess>
<option name="showPager">true</option>
<option name="count">20</option>
host =
sourcetype = bundle
sourcetype = rcov
sourcetype = rdoc
# search time field extraction
sourcetype=rails | rex field=_raw "Processing(\s)(?<controller>\S+)#(?<action>\S+)(\s\(for\s(?<client>[\d.]*).*\)\s\[(?<method>\S+)\])?" | top action
# multiple extractions, concatenation, basic stats
| rex field=_raw "Processing(\s)(?<controller>\S+)#(?<action>\S+)(\s\(for\s(?<client>[\d.]*).*\)\s\[(?<method>\S+)\])?"
| rex field=_raw "Completed.*in\s(?<request_time>[\d.]*)(ms)?(\s\((?<req_per_sec>\d*)\sreqs/sec)?"
| rex field=_raw "((ActiveRecord:)|(DB:))\s(?<db_time>[\d.]*)"
| rex field=_raw "((Views:)|(View:)|(Rendering:))\s(?<render_time>[\d.]*)"
| fields request_time render_time db_time controller action
| eval controller_action=controller."#".action
| stats avg(request_time),avg(render_time),avg(db_time) by controller_action
# use of sed rex to reformat into a table, then multikv to split into multiple events
| rex mode=sed "s/Gems.*/GEM VERSION/"
| rex mode=sed "s/ \* ([[:alnum:]_-]{1,}) \(([[:alnum:]. ]{1,})\)/\1 \2/g"
| multikv
# versions of each gem
| chart values(VERSION) by GEM
# list of projects using each gem version
| rex field=source "/(?<project>[\w_-]+)/\w+/bundle.txt"
| eval gem_name=GEM."-".VERSION
| chart values(project) by gem_name
# number of distinct gems
| eval gem_name=GEM."-".VERSION
| stats distinct_count(gem_name)
# number of distinct versions per gem
| eval gem_name=GEM."-".VERSION
| chart count(gem_name) by GEM
# number of gems per project
| rex field=source "/(?<project>[\w_-]+)/\w+/bundle.txt"
| chart dc(GEM) by project
search: index=thebattle | sistats avg(bytes) by clientip
start: @h
stop: +1h@h
run: hourly
report: avg_bytes_by_client
sudo ./splunk cmd python -app search -name "Summary Avg Bytes by Client" -et 1320991200 -lt 1321081200 -dedup true -owner admin -auth admin:PASSWORD
index=summary report=avg_bytes_by_client | stats avg(bytes) by clientip
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