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Forked from acharlieh/ Fun Splunk Queries
Created October 28, 2020 12:00
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This is a Gist of useful Splunk Queries.
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/indexes count=0
| stats max(isInternal) as internal, max(disabled) as disabled, max(isReadOnly) as readonly by title
| fillnull
| where internal=0 AND disabled=0 AND readonly=0
| fields title
| rename title as index
| join index type=left
[ rest /servicesNS/-/-/authorization/roles count=0 splunk_server=local
| fields title,srchIndexesAllowed
| rename srchIndexesAllowed as index title as role
| mvexpand index
| where NOT match(index,".*\*.*")
| search NOT role=*
| fields index
index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_web_access
rest / splunk_server=local
| fields splunk_server
| rename splunk_server as host
| bin _time span=1d
| stats count by date_hour _time
| appendpipe
fields _time
| dedup _time
| eval date_hour=mvrange(0,24,1)
| eval count=0
| mvexpand date_hour
| stats sum(count) as count by date_hour _time
| stats avg(count) as avg by date_hour
| sort date_hour
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/authorization/roles count=0 splunk_server=local
| fields title,srchIndexesAllowed
| rename srchIndexesAllowed as index title as role
| mvexpand index
| where NOT match(index,".*\*.*")
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/indexes count=0
| rename title as index
| search index=$indexName$ [
rest /servicesNS/-/-/authorization/roles/ splunk_server=local
| search [
rest / splunk_server=local
| head 1
| fields - *
| eval title=split("$roleName$",";")
| mvexpand title
| where "$roleName$"!="*"
| append [
rest / splunk_server=local
| head 1
| fields - *
| eval srchIndexesAllowed=split("*;_*",";")
| where "$roleName$"="*"
| eval index=mvappend(imported_srchIndexesAllowed,srchIndexesAllowed)
| fields index
| mvexpand index
| dedup index
| eval isInternal=case(index="*",0)
| fillnull isReadOnly
| where disabled=0 AND isReadOnly=0 AND index!="_blocksignature" AND index!="_thefishbucket" AND NOT [
rest / splunk_server=local
| head 1
| fields splunk_server
| stats
sum(totalEventCount) as eventCountcombined,
list(totalEventCount) as eventCountserver,
sum(currentDBSizeMB) as sizeMBcombined,
list(currentDBSizeMB) as sizeMBserver,
max(maxTime) as maxTimecombined,
list(maxTime) as maxTimeserver,
min(minTime) as minTimecombined,
list(minTime) as minTimeserver,
list(splunk_server) as indexerserver
by index
| rename index as index$serverResults$
| fields *$serverResults$
| rename *$serverResults$ as *
| table index, eventCount,sizeMB,maxTime,minTime,*
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/admin/directory count=0 splunk_server=local
| fields, eai:acl.owner, eai:acl.perms.*, eai:acl.sharing, eai:location, title
| eval perms=mvappend('','eai:acl.perms.write')
| fields - eai:acl.perms.*
| mvexpand perms
| where perms!="*" AND NOT
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/authorization/roles count=0 splunk_server=local
| fields title
| rename title as perms
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