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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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A/B test calculations
# A/B test calculations #
# #
# Based on Stats Engine #
# // #
# Helper Methods #
Z_MAX = 6 # Maxium +/- z value
# probability of normal z value
# Adapted from a polynomial approximation in:
# Ibbetson D, Algorithm 209 Collected Algorithms of the CACM 1963 p. 616
# Note: This routine has six digit accuracy, so it is only useful for absolute
# z values <= 6. For z values > to 6.0, poz() returns 0.0
# source:
poz = (z) ->
y = undefined
x = undefined
w = undefined
if z is 0.0
x = 0.0
y = 0.5 * Math.abs(z)
if y > Z_MAX * 0.5
x = 1.0
else if y < 1.0
w = y * y
x = ((((((((0.000124818987 * w \
- 0.001075204047) * w + 0.005198775019) * w \
- 0.019198292004) * w + 0.059054035642) * w \
- 0.151968751364) * w + 0.319152932694) * w \
- 0.531923007300) * w + 0.797884560593) * y * 2.0
y -= 2.0
x = (((((((((((((-0.000045255659 * y \
+ 0.000152529290) * y - 0.000019538132) * y \
- 0.000676904986) * y + 0.001390604284) * y \
- 0.000794620820) * y - 0.002034254874) * y \
+ 0.006549791214) * y - 0.010557625006) * y \
+ 0.011630447319) * y - 0.009279453341) * y \
+ 0.005353579108) * y - 0.002141268741) * y \
+ 0.000535310849) * y + 0.999936657524
if z > 0.0
return (x + 1.0) * 0.5
return (1.0 - x) * 0.5
# Compute critical normal z value to produce given p.
# We just do a bisection search for a value within CHI_EPSILON,
# relying on the monotonicity of pochisq().
# source:
critz = (p) ->
Z_EPSILON = 0.000001 # Accuracy of z approximation
minz = -Z_MAX
maxz = Z_MAX
zval = 0.0
pval = undefined
if p < 0.0 or p > 1.0
return -1
while maxz - minz > Z_EPSILON
pval = poz(zval)
if pval > p
maxz = zval
minz = zval
zval = (maxz + minz) * 0.5
proportionTrueNull = (results) ->
trueNull = _.sum results, ({isSignificant, xBar, yBar}) ->
if xBar > yBar and isSignificant
return 1
return 0
trueNull / results.length
# Constants #
tau = 0.5 # ???????? - free variable in significance
FDRthreshold = 0.10
errorRate = 0.05
data =
rate: 0.2
visitors: 10000
rate: 0.22
visitors: 10000
rate: 0.01
visitors: 10000
rate: 0.02
visitors: 10000
N = Object.keys(data.kpi1).length # number of a/b tests
# Conclusive Results #
# See (2) in paper #
conclusiveResults data (data, kpi) ->
# You can imagine looking at more variables here too
xBar = kpi.control.rate
yBar = kpi.var1.rate
n = kpi.control.visitors + kpi.var1.visitors
thetaHat = yBar - xBar
alpha = errorRate
V = 2 * (xBar * (1 - xBar) + yBar * (1 - yBar)) / n
pHat = Math.sqrt(
(2 * Math.log(1 / alpha) - Math.log(V / (V + tau))) *
(V * (V + tau) / tau)
isSignificant = Math.abs(thetaHat) > pHat
# Actionable Results #
# See (4) in paper #
FDRresults = _.sortBy(conclusiveResults, 'pHat'), (result, index) ->
{pHat} = result
i = index + 1
piZero = proportionTrueNull(conclusiveResults)
FDR = piZero * pHat / (i * N)
_.default {FDR}, result
# We can take action on these results!
significantResults = _.filter FDRresults, ({FDR}) ->
(1 - FDR) > FDRthreshold
# Confidence Intervals #
confidenceIntervals = FDRresults, (result) ->
{xBar, yBar, isSignificant} = result
# Calculate std. deviation
mu = (xBar + yBar) / 2
delta = Math.sqrt(
1 / 2 *
_.sum [xBar, yBar], (xi) ->
Math.pow(xi - mu, 2)
# See section 3.5 in paper
q = errorRate
m = significantResults.length
coverageLevel = if isSignificant
then (1 - q * m / N)
else (1 - q * (m + 1) / N)
z = critz(coverageLevel)
low: yBar - z * delta / Math.sqrt(N)
high: yBar + z * delta / Math.sqrt(N)
// A/B test calculations //
// //
// Based on Stats Engine //
// //
var FDRresults, FDRthreshold, N, Z_MAX, confidenceIntervals, critz, data, errorRate, poz, proportionTrueNull, significantResults, tau;
Z_MAX = 6;
proportionTrueNull = function(results) {
var trueNull;
trueNull = _.sum(results, function(result) {
var isSignificant, xBar, yBar;
isSignificant = result.isSignificant,
xBar = result.xBar,
yBar = result.yBar;
if (xBar > yBar && isSignificant) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
return trueNull / results.length;
// Constants //
tau = 0.5; // ???????? - free variable in significance
FDRthreshold = 0.10;
errorRate = 0.05;
data = {
kpi1: {
control: {
rate: 0.2,
visitors: 10000
var1: {
rate: 0.22,
visitors: 10000
kpi2: {
control: {
rate: 0.01,
visitors: 10000
var1: {
rate: 0.02,
visitors: 10000
N = Object.keys(data.kpi1).length; // number of a/b tests
// Conclusive Results //
// See (2) in paper //
conclusiveResults =, kpi) {
var V, alpha, isSignificant, n, pHat, thetaHat, xBar, yBar;
// You can imagine looking at more variables here too
xBar = kpi.control.rate;
yBar = kpi.var1.rate;
n = kpi.control.visitors + kpi.var1.visitors;
thetaHat = yBar - xBar;
alpha = errorRate;
V = 2 * (xBar * (1 - xBar) + yBar * (1 - yBar)) / n;
pHat = Math.sqrt(
(2 * Math.log(1 / alpha) - Math.log(V / (V + tau))) *
(V * (V + tau) / tau)
isSignificant = Math.abs(thetaHat) > pHat;
return {
isSignificant: isSignificant,
pHat: pHat,
kpi: kpi,
xBar: xBar,
yBar: yBar
// Actionable Results //
// See (4) in paper //
FDRresults =, 'pHat'), function(result, index) {
var FDR, i, pHat, piZero;
pHat = result.pHat;
i = index + 1;
piZero = proportionTrueNull(conclusiveResults);
FDR = piZero * pHat / (i * N);
return _.defaults({
}, result);
// We can take action on these results!
significantResults = _.filter(FDRresults, function(result) {
return (1 - result.FDR) > FDRthreshold;
// Confidence Intervals //
confidenceIntervals =, function(result) {
var coverageLevel, delta, isSignificant, m, mu, q, xBar, yBar, z;
xBar = result.xBar,
yBar = result.yBar,
isSignificant = result.isSignificant;
// Calculate std. deviation
mu = (xBar + yBar) / 2;
delta = Math.sqrt(1 / 2 * _.sum([xBar, yBar], function(xi) {
return Math.pow(xi - mu, 2);
// See section 3.5 in paper
q = errorRate;
m = significantResults.length;
coverageLevel = isSignificant ? 1 - q * m / N : 1 - q * (m + 1) / N;
z = critz(coverageLevel); // convert coverageLevel to z-score
return {
low: yBar - z * delta / Math.sqrt(N),
high: yBar + z * delta / Math.sqrt(N)
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