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Last active February 8, 2021 04:47
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org-mode for developers

Some helpful tips on how to use Emacs org-mode as a developer. Here is a blog article I’ve written on the topic if you’re interested.

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c c") 'org-capture)
(setq org-todo-keywords '("TODO" "STARTED" "WAITING" "DONE"))
(defvar org-agenda-include-diary t)
(defvar org-src-fontify-natively t)
(setq org-agenda-files (directory-files-recursively "~/org/agenda" "org$"))
(setq org-default-notes-file "~/org/agenda/")
- unorded list foo
- unorded list bar
- unorded list baz
+ unorded list foo
+ unorded list bar
+ unorded list baz
1. first item
2. second item
3. third item
Great clouds overhead
Tiny black birds rise and fall
Snow covers Emacs
-- AlexSchroeder
Everything should be made as simple as possible,
but not any simpler -- Albert Einstein
Everything should be made as simple as possible, \\
but not any simpler
#+BEGIN_SRC javascript
function foo() {
<C-c C-l>Insert a link
<C-c C-o>Follow a link
<C-return>Insert heading
<C-c C-b>Back a heading
<C-c C-f>Forward a heading
<TAB>Expand current heading
<S-TAB>Expand all headings
<C-c C-e l p>Org export as Latex and convert to PDF
<C-c pipe>Convert or edit a table
<pipe-dash-tab>Insert a horizontal rule
<C-^>Sort column
<M-(left-right)>Move column left or right
<M-(up-down)>Move row up or down
<M-S down>Insert row
<M-x org-table-insert-column>Insert column
<M-S up>Delete row
<M-x org-table-delete-column>Delete column
<C-c }>Toggle the display of Row/Column numbers in tables
<C-c a a> (<C-c a> custom mapping)List all tasks (agenda)
<C-c a t>List all tasks (todo)
<C-c C-s>Schedule task
<C-c C-d>Create a deadline
<0-3 r>Review tasks by TODO status, list will be at top
<F>Put list in “follow-mode”
<S-(right-left arrow)>Toggle todo
<C-c C-t>Create or toggle a todo
Code block
<<-s-TAB>start a code block
<C-c C-c>execute code block
<C-c '>edit in prog-mode
Time tracking
<C-c C-x TAB>org-clock-in
<C-c C-x C-o>org-clock-out
<C-c C-x C-d>org-clock-display

GTD means Get Things Done

CollectCapture everything you need to do.Collect everything into the inbox
ProcessActionable?Put tasks on list, track delegated
Yes: do, delegate or defer;
no: file, throw or incubate
OrganizeNext actions, projects, waiting for, someday/maybeTag tasks, view tasks by tag
ReviewDaily, weekly, etc…Agenda view
DoActually do the workSadly Emacs can’t do this
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